To beginner magicians.

Sep 11, 2013
Sorry to say Tyler, but your card magic is one of the poorest. Your view and concept of this website is diminishing and embarrassing. Let them post however many threads they want. Let them advertised their channel, its their choice, not yours. Buddy, you seem like a pussy attempting to tell them off. You accomplish NOTHING. I honestly believe, as a professional magician, that YOU need so much work and are very poor at this. Those beginners have much more potential not only card-wise but mentally. Good day to you sir!

I smell a troll!
Oct 25, 2013
Hi, I am sorry to begin talking to you this way, but rb7171 is right about you in many ways. You did miss something, and that is that you just got told off truthfully bu him. I can see your not used to that kind of criticism, but I will have to agree with him. Do not underestimate anyone on here. About 97mrdude, cut him some slack. You were once a beginner yourself, so I think he deserves an apology from you.
Oct 25, 2013
As I told Tyler before. I have seen rb7171 perform. He is exceptional. Steerpike (whatever that name means) I think rb7171 just told you off, I've seem your comments, and they make no sense. Besides, how can you call him "your the worst liar I've ever seen" if you haven't even seen him, haha.

PS. Your quotes are rather silly, you should stop that.
Sep 1, 2007
As I told Tyler before. I have seen rb7171 perform. He is exceptional.

I have only your word to go on for that. And I have no idea who the hell you are. Do the math.

Steerpike (whatever that name means)

It's a literary reference. One of my favorite villains. "The Gormenghast Novels" by Mervyn Peake specifically. They were adapted into a TV miniseries by the BBC about ten-odd years ago featuring Christopher Lee and Jonathon Rhys-Meyers. I'm telling you all this because I'm a nice guy.

I think rb7171 just told you off, I've seem your comments, and they make no sense.

Uh huh. The thought just occurred to me that you might be a sockpuppet account. Could we get an admin to check the IP addresses here? You have about the same degree of literacy as rb-numbers, you both look like you came up with your usernames by faceplanting the keyboard, and you both have the same juvenile rhetoric. The evidence is starting to accrue that you are here purely for my own entertainment.

PS. Your quotes are rather silly, you should stop that.

Since you asked so nicely... no.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Was it really necessary to resurrect a month dead thread?

What are you adding to the forums right now?
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