Top 5 Impromptu Card Tricks?


theory11 moderator
I love impromptu stuff - It's so much fun. I always have a deck of cards on me with at least one dupe floating around to do a nice transpo, but as for 'borrowed deck' territory, I'd say:

- Stigmata
- Cold
- Broken Wings
- A mex. turnover routine
- Cinders

Fun :D

5? Hmmmm
1. Stigmata wins
2. Card in hand rocks my world
3. Dramatic, made it almost a year ago.
4. Something improvised with a double lift
5. Invisible Reverse (which is impromptu with my set up speed, I think I hold the world record at 3 seconds)
By the way Shanku, you must be proud of your thread here, looks like it'll be up on top after a year.
Aug 29, 2008
Hello everyone, I once saw a video of David Blaine pulling his heart out (on a TV show). It looked incredibly realistic. I suspect he used latex or something to cover up his body but the fingers went pretty deep inside and the heart coming out looked very real. How did he do that? Any clues on how he did that? Thanks a lot in advance for any real reference.


Elite Member
Oct 14, 2007
Bavaria, Germany
1. Benjamin earls Collectors 2
2. my own triumph routine
3. A very simple and short sandwich routine
4. A in the hands four card production sequence ala Ricky Jay
5. A quick mindreading effect I came up with/ steve freemans Time Machine
Aug 24, 2008
my top5

in random order
1 stigmata-wayne houchin,(banacheck)
2 indecent-wayne houchin
3 lapse DM
4 my version of collectors(a mix of D&D- queens,Nathan Kranzo-Double sandwich,DM colt45 and DM-falling. took something from each and added the collectors plot)
5 Believe-joel paschall
Aug 7, 2008
The 5 that I like are pretty much classics
1. ACR- Dai Vernon
2. Biddle trick
3. Triumph- Dai strikes again
4. I don't know the name for this one, but it requires "set up" but you call the set up "predictions" basically you lay down for prediction cards, have the spectator choose a card, and then go through the prediction cards asking questions about their cards, and then reveal the last prediction to be their signed card- I believe it was made by Columbini
5. Card to Pocket-IDK who the genius was that made this
Mar 14, 2008
There's so many, I can't begin to tell you. Sorry for the poor response :(.
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Sep 1, 2007
San Francisco, CA
In no particular order, I'd go with:

Stigmata: Wayne Houchin
Hand to Mouth: Dan and Dave Buck
Ego: Daniel Garcia
Minority: David Misner
Unnamed Sandwich/ Transpo/ Prediction Effect: David Misner

If I can't include my own, I'd throw in Ben Earl's Ace Assembly, Syd Segal's Collectors Edition, and the Easy Ace Estimation.

Hmmm... my most commonly performed would probably be the basic stuff you learn just starting out (tyvm Brad Christian). So, not including those obvious routines like ACR, 2CM, Biddle, etc., then a couple are (in no particular order):
Half vanish, DM - very recently saw it & realised how cool it looks
Card to pocket - usually I cop it though, my classic palm sucks
Hand to mouth, D&D - scares the hell out of people
Random card force/prediction/mind reading - always worth a try
Gambling routine
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