Trading Magic?

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Aug 17, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
Hey, guys.

So I have been thinking lately, do any of you guys trade magic? Or know people that do? It is just that I have a lot of my old magic props back from when I was a kid and first got into magic. I wanted to do stage magic at first but as the years went by I stayed steady with close up magic. Cards, coins, etc. I have no need for a Zombie Ball, an appearing cane, appearing die, D-lites, etc. So I was wondering if any of you guys did stage shows or maybe kids birthdays? I did kids birthdays too when I was younger but I will never do a kids show again in my life. 16 year old me would have, but not 23 year old me.

So my ultimate question. Does anyone on here do stage/kids shows? Or need any kind of prop? I'd love to give this stuff to someone who will actually use it. Maybe we could do some trades. I've been looking at getting scotch and soda or some other good impacting coin trick. Mayve for some sealed cards? I don't know. If anyone wants to, we can obviously work all of that out.

Just thought I'd ask!

Oct 19, 2015
I buy some on ebay! I find some 'classic' stuff and sometimes the prices are really good....but I am not really in the market right now....


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Check out Surplus Magic Exchange on Facebook. People buy, sell and trade there. There are also for sale sections on the Magic Cafe (I think you need to have a certain amount of posts for those sections to be visible).

Since we don’t permit selling or trading on the forums (except listing stuff in your signature), I am closing this thread.

If anyone is interested, they can message you.
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