Trick vs. Technique

I dont know if this has already been talked about havent made it through all of the threads yet. I been studying magic for about 4 months now both card a nd coin and a alittle loop work and i was wondering is better to spend more time learning the different slieghts within a trick or the trick as a whole
May 3, 2008
welcome to the forums mate.
Tricky question. I'd say learn a few soild routines first, with the moves and sleights, then go into learning the various techniques to broaden your scope. Don't wanna become a move monkey early on.
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Good question.

I think it's important to have the moves down perfectly. Then go through the motions of the trick until the order of events is stuck in your head. Then work on the entire trick with script until the moves and patter flow together.

A video camera is the best thing to practice in front of; except maybe performance experience.

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
When you first start off... It's good to get going with a few effects first because they'll generally give you a good idea of some of the most basic sleights anyway - and besides, it's good to contextualise the sleights you learn with effects. Eventually, as you develop more as a magician it'll become more and more beneficial to look more at sleights rather than trying to learn every routine in a book just because you'll be able to take advantage of that more and you'll have other things to learn about - plus, by that time you'll want to focus on broadening your knowledge of magic.
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Presentation is everything
you can do a easy as pie trick with perfect presentation and would still be a great magician.
Do a self working trick with the worlds greatest build up and there we have a wonderful magician.
Only start hardcoring your techniques when you can perform very well. A master of sleight of hand is useless without presentation. You may be great at sleights but if no one wants to watch you then its pointless.
Aug 19, 2008
learn a few good tricks first so that when ur friends ask u to do something, u can. then learn some sleights so that u can improve those tricks
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