Tricks of David Blaine

Sep 1, 2007
While I agree people don't value things that are handed to them, it isn't like we are discussing how this effect is done. If the problem is that people come here looking for this effect and that effect, maybe there is a better way then to beat around the bushes, why not give OP insight on where to find a simple version of the effect so he does hopefully build a solid foundation.

I'll point them to places like Lybrary dot com, but gold is where you find it. And while I certainly make time for those who genuinely want to learn, I fail to see why I should spend more time than is absolutely necessary answering every single, "What DVD is this trick on?" question.

Be a part of the solution and not the problem...

I solve my problems my way and I get results.

Not really relevant to this current discussion but I break rules :)

I was going to say something, but I'll let you see for yourself in time.
Jun 13, 2013
STOP, time for me here.
@ steerpike
Surely, youre right. My fundamentals are not the best and I need to add a lot. On the other hand i am familar with how to put the card under the watch. But to me it seems that David Blaine knew the card PSY (person in the video) named. I just wanted to know if he uses a mental force or if he forces a thought of card. Thats the thing I dont understand. He lets the spectator name any card AND YET he still has the right card. That's excatly what I wanted to know, not how to put the card under the watch. Also I wouldn't necessarily say that I am a wannabe weekend wizard. It's true that I am not very far in magic and atm I am trying to put the focus on my presentation style rather then learning new effects. So I have like 7 effects I LOVE TO PERFORM and I am searching for a proper presentation. That's the reason why I started 2 threads about this topic (I think I imagine what would touch me and from that point I have a presentation and I will build a trick around it, accordingly to the presentation. Just my solution for the problem...). And you cant really expect me to study Paul Harris' great work when I atm am learning Royal Road to Card Magic (just solidify (?) my foundations, add some new things, perform more in the real world). I think experience, deceptive, powerful magic and a good connection with the audience make a good magician. I think I have some powerful effects and now I am trying to make more experience by performing and try to find out some great presentations. But all in all I just wanted to know where I have to look that up so thanks for your help. ATM I am trying to learn card foundations (coin under watch is hard to practice, don't know where and with whom to practice...) and a professors nightmare routine for the restaurant and I am trying to improve on my only coin trick I perform :). I also really like coin bends. (Yeah, Yeah, I know, that's probably too much at the same time but it's too boring for me to just keeo learning cards ;) )
Sep 1, 2007
Mark Wilson's. It's all fundamental material, it's only US$20 and you get over 500 different sleights, utilities and effects across a lot of different paraphernalia and props. If you really want to learn more about mental forces and the like, picking up whatever method any of us think David may or may not have used isn't going to be much help. Instead, try Karl Fulves' Self-Working Mental Magic and see if this is a direction you're actually comfortable going in. Mental magic makes a nice spice, but not everyone can do it well, to say nothing of actual old school mentalism.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Because I don't spend my time on magic forums makes me a weekend wannabe wizard?

I own the AoA series hence why I am asking for a name, I found it and dear OP, it is called Galaxy. Forums are meant to be a space where one can seek information and while that is true most of the time, this isn't the case here. I have been performing card magic for just over half a decade and while I may not be a professional by any stretch of the imagination, I do know my way around a pasteboard.

No need to have a stick in your rear, if OP already knows about magic sites such as this one, what else are you trying to hide from him or her?

There's a difference between hiding it from them (No, I won't tell you) and not holding their hand, (It's over there, go look)

If someone wants to learn a method, they will put far more effort into it if I don't give them the direct answer and make them work to find it first. Then they find other resources which help them find other methods. Then they can take all those different methods pick them apart and take one aspect from method, another aspect from another trick, etc. and mash them all together to be something unique and personal to them.

I don't give direct answers because people need indirect answers to properly develop their skills and knowledge and I'm sick of seeing the same tricks done the same way over. I hate how often I can load a video and as soon as I see the opening seconds of the trick, I can recite the 'script' the 'performer' is going to use even if I've never seen this particular individual before.

Encouraging people to put effort into learning is my way of trying to increase creativity in magic.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
And you cant really expect me to study Paul Harris' great work when I atm am learning Royal Road to Card Magic (just solidify (?) my foundations, add some new things, perform more in the real world).

Actually. Yes I can. If you want to learn his tricks then yes - study his material. Because it's not just how he does that one trick, it's how he does all his tricks. His way of thinking is essential to understanding why he structured that trick that way. Then you take other methods, and you study how they the trick and why they do it that way. Then you pick out which bits you like the most, and put them all together.

Unique magic is just that easy.
Apr 17, 2013
If you are really working on becoming a better performer, which I think you are compared on how you were when you first came here, then I would pick up Five Points of Magic. I think the German edition might not be out of print or hard to find. I know it was a pain trying to replace my English version.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
Actually if you really want to become a better performer, than work on learning how to do classic stuff with a TT and start doing things that are really old. Because most performers out there are most likely constantly doing newer and newer effects because they THINK most spectators want and NEED to see that stuff. (which they are wrong.). But, that just makes it better for you.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Actually if you really want to become a better performer, than work on learning how to do classic stuff with a TT and start doing things that are really old. Because most performers out there are most likely constantly doing newer and newer effects because they THINK most spectators want and NEED to see that stuff. (which they are wrong.). But, that just makes it better for you.

If you really want to become a better performer - perform, then fix what didn't achieve your goals, then perform again. Rinse, repeat.
Apr 17, 2013
Actually if you really want to become a better performer, than work on learning how to do classic stuff with a TT and start doing things that are really old. Because most performers out there are most likely constantly doing newer and newer effects because they THINK most spectators want and NEED to see that stuff. (which they are wrong.). But, that just makes it better for you.

This is why like 75% of my stuff is from books and magazines printed before 1950 and some before 1900. Not many are doing this stuff and it makes me stand out.
Jun 13, 2013
Thats what I am talking about :)
I have 2 books here:
13 Steps to Mentalism by Corina and
Anthology by Daniel Madison
I think I will put a lot more time into these books.
Do you mean Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic?
Jul 13, 2010
The Wilson book was my very first magic book. It`s incredibly inexpensive for the offered quality (content, binding, paper quality and paper size are excellent). There`s absolutely no excuse not to get it.
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