
Mar 1, 2017
Hi guys, I am looking for a good version of triumph, a clean version, the best would be if you can spread through all the cards so the spectator can really see all the cards are mixed up.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
The cleanest is using a Cheek to Cheek deck. I think that I've told the story how Cristian Engbloom floored a room full of magicians using that and a Cooler.

It is worth learning Dai Vernon's original. I like Paul Harris's Unshuffling Rebecca. Dani DaOrtiz has a nice version too on one of his DVDs (I forget if he published that in Genii or not). The one that I want to learn now is the Bushfire Triumph 2.0 from So Sato. That looks wicked cool.
The cleanest is using a Cheek to Cheek deck. I think that I've told the story how Cristian Engbloom floored a room full of magicians using that and a Cooler.

I saw Christian do the same thing at the International Magic Convention a few years back. At the same convention I saw Dani DaOrtiz do a classic force with an imaginary deck. Yes, it was as awesome as it sounds!

Back on topic:

I still like Sid Lorraine's Slop Shuffle Triumph (it's in Royal Road to card magic under 'A Tipsy Trick'). Fooled me the first time I was shown it and has fooled everyone I've shown it to over the last 18 odd years. Sure, you don't spread the cards to show the mix, but it sure feels like you do, and that's what the audience will remember seeing. What they actually see is largely irrelevant.

Feb 26, 2017
I know Dani Daortiz has a version called "Open Triumph" which in my opinion is beautiful and uses an ordinary deck of cards, but it's not clean... I honestly perform this trick at the very end because the deck isn't left clean. But it's simply beautiful.
Mar 1, 2017
I still like Sid Lorraine's Slop Shuffle Triumph (it's in Royal Road to card magic under 'A Tipsy Trick'). Fooled me the first time I was shown it and has fooled everyone I've shown it to over the last 18 odd years. Sure, you don't spread the cards to show the mix, but it sure feels like you do, and that's what the audience will remember seeing. What they actually see is largely irrelevant.

Yes I know about this version, I perform it since I started magic and it is great. But I need something new, But thank you for helping me
Feb 1, 2017
Kostya Kimlat did one on Penn and Teller's Fool Us. I think it uses some really difficult though. I don't know if it is worth the price and time to learn.
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Jul 13, 2014
Doesn't exactly meet all your criteria, but I find Elliot Terrel's triple cask triumph quite wonderful. It's deceptive, extremely powerful, and relatively easy.
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