Twisting The Aces

Nov 26, 2011
Hi everyone!

Id like to know what you think about my version of classic Twisting The Aces. Actually if I remember correctly this is Allan Ackermans handling with minor changes. My goal was to learn pretty easy and practical but still magical trick, which works in every situation and doesnt need setup. Now I've been performing this effect for about three years I guess. For live performance I have slightly different handling which matches with pattern. (For example I dont flip the first card over, it turns like other three)

Anyway, heres the link:
Twisting The Aces

What do you think? Any tips to improve handling or something? :)

Sep 2, 2007
I think this really suffers from being performed in silence. It makes it quite difficult to follow what's going on at times. For example, when you did the Twirl Change, were we supposed to realise that the packet was turning over or was that action meant to be hidden? What was the effect, that the aces took turned over one at a time or that a face up card changed?
Nov 26, 2011
Thanks for your comment! Ill agree that Ill should have done the video without the music and with the right pattern. It would make the trick more logical and also make clear that the idea is that the cards turn around one at the time (Well, two cards turn simultaneously).

Ive been looking for a move to replace the Twirl Change. I dont kinda like it and it can be too obvious. Altought it matches to pattern. Any suggestions? Turning the packet is meant to be hidden
Thanks for the feedback!
Sep 2, 2007
Thanks for your comment! Ill agree that Ill should have done the video without the music and with the right pattern. It would make the trick more logical and also make clear that the idea is that the cards turn around one at the time (Well, two cards turn simultaneously).

Ive been looking for a move to replace the Twirl Change. I dont kinda like it and it can be too obvious. Altought it matches to pattern. Any suggestions? Turning the packet is meant to be hidden
Thanks for the feedback!

The Through the Fist flourish could work instead of the Twirl Change. Or, if you were able to misdirect for a moment, you could use a Deck Flip or the Flippant move to turn the packet over. Then bring attention back to the packet, perform the twisting action from Dai Vernon's original routine (to act as the moment of magic) and reveal the new condition.

Does that make sense?
Nov 26, 2011
Yes it makes sense. Actually depending on situation I've been using misdirection and the simply flipped the packet over. It of course doesnt work for camera thought. Trought The Fist Flourish is good idea, and Ill probably start using it instead on Twirl Change which have never really suited my style. Trought The Fist flourish and then some magical gesture, like the one you mentioned would probably work very well. Thanks for the tip!

When I have time Ill shoot new, non-silent take of this trick :)
Apr 17, 2013
I have been using That Twist Again by William P. Miesel from The Legendary Hierophant by Jon Racherbaumer page 341. It's the basic twisted aces plot but uses the A,2,3,4 of a suit. The kicker being when the last card, the four, is "twisted" it changed color along with the back color changing.
Nov 26, 2011
Hey Krab1, thanks for the comment. Sounds like really cool trick, Ill definately try to check it out. Kicker sounds interesting and because my TTA doesnt even have one :D
Apr 17, 2013
The Legendary Hierophant is a $50 book but it is well worth it. From the magicpedia page...

Material was mostly card magic, primarily from the Ed Marlo group out of Chicago. Contributions were made by Edward Marlo, Dai Vernon, Brother John Hamman, Larry Jennings, Martin Gardner, Simon Aronson, Derek Dingle, Ken Krenzel, Daryl, Martin Nash, Allan Ackerman, Bruce Cervon, Roy Walton and many others. Some of Marlo's most ground-breaking ideas and revolutionary techniques were first explained in these pages. Also featured essays, candid criticism and controversial satire.
Sep 27, 2013
Another fantastic twisting the aces is in the Classic Magic of Larry Jennings, a must have IMO. I would also check out Guy Hollingsworth and his take on the Aces twisting- I think you might like it. That can be found in Drawing Room Deceptions, another incredibly interesting book
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