UPDATE -- Trilogy : The NEW theory11 Video Contest

Sep 2, 2007
I'd also like to know if my submission was successful. Maybe someone can post a list of names who have submited a video?

If you submitted a video, your profile will list all accepted submissions that have been placed in the media section. If your video is in the submission queue, or has not been accepted, you will not see it in your profile, or in the media section.

Moreover, in regards to the theory11 Video Contest, all submissions will not be placed in the media section, until October 15th, Monday, so it will not appear in your profile, or in the media section until then.

Therefore, there is no way of knowing, right now, what the progress of your requested submission is, unless it has been accepted and placed in the media section. Over time, that may change, however.

Jul 23, 2007
New York, NY
If your submission was successful, the form should have told you. It would've said something like thanks for your submission, the theory11 crew will check it out.

We can tell you if you have a submission in the queue, but if it isn't it might be that we deleted it, not because it wasn't successfully submited. Or, it could mean that your video has been moved out of the submission queues but is still waiting to be posted. So it's kind of a confusing metric. I don't believe any theory11 contest videos have been downloaded though.

What that disclaimer, I've rigged up this temporary list of your submissions that are still in the queue:

Sep 1, 2007
Can somebody help me? I record a video with my camera and the lights (or brights) are good but when I save it (in Sony Vegas 7.0) the picture become too dark. (and sorry my bad english) Please help!:)


SVP, theory11
Team member
Aug 5, 2007

Big update. Due to a printing glitch that we wanted to make sure was resolved, the Trilogy release date and contest have been extended. What does this mean? Well, it means you have an extra 48 hours to tweak and perfect your masterpiece(s) before submitting.

The new launch date and contest deadline is Wednesday, October 17th at 11:00PM.

Can't wait to see your stuff guys!
Sep 2, 2007
What is the secondary format that is acceptable and would be the most helpful before I go and use a format that's hard for the T11 to handle? I know Quicktime is preferred, but that's unavailable to me at the moment.

MPEG-4 (.mp4) files are accepted, along with WMV (.wmv), QuickTime (.MOV), and Youtube videos.

For the Video Contest, Quicktime is preferred, but WMV files will suffice.

If you ever need to convert the files, you can try these websites: http://www.zamzar.com/ & http://media-convert.com/.

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