Vanish with the aid of your time piece.

Feb 17, 2009
Bethlehem PA
In Bobo's they teach you how to do a vanish with the aid of your watch. I really didn't realize how deceptive this was for a complete coin vanish untill I did it for my friend. The thing was my friend knows about magic and does some tricks here and there, but I had actually told him what I was gonna do with the watch and coin just to demo it for him. So I did the vanish and he was actually fooled completely even after I told him what I was gonna do. So I showed him how I did it and he still didn't believe that I could load a coin that fast. If you practice this one you will be rewarded for how deceptive this is. the only problem with this is not letting the coin talk while loading.
Feb 17, 2009
Bethlehem PA
Yeah the scotch tape sounds like a good idea. I have been practicing this one so much though that I can do it silently. If you loosen your watch a little and keep your wrist straight upon loading it is loaded silently most every time.
Jul 8, 2008
I've been doing something similar to this but with my outfit I wear to restaurants when I perform there. I usually wear a vert and an aberocrombie shirt with my sleeves rolled half way down. What I do is stick the coin in the folds of the cuffs and then I later do productions from there.
Put cellotape/scotch tape on the watch, It deadens the sound of the coin going under.

yeah ur right..i've done it and actually got a big applause for that...i was like huh??? r u kidding me??? but seriously....don't give it all the the effect...please applaud yourself, cuz some people can make it look must be really good at it to fool people...
May 31, 2008
I actually thought of this before I got "Bobo's Guide." I didn't think it could actually fool anyone though. Just goes to show you...
Sep 1, 2007
Joshua Jay fooled me with this vanish a couple months ago. The tape on the watch is a good idea! It leaves you very clean in the end.


Well, adding tape to the watch would make it NOT as clean as just using your watch... but now I'm just nitpicking.

Everyone under estimates coin to watch. Watch Greg Wilson do Coin to Watch and you'll see just how good this trick can be.

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