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May 8, 2008
Nice one guys liked them both. I don't normally like spongeballs, but that was a really good watch. Metallica :)

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Sep 3, 2007
thanks, i think i should have sone something i was better at though i only learned that trick last night and performed it this at like 10 AM today.

So this is where our art is going? Down the road where you perform the trick less than 24 hours after performing it? Come on, man, put some time and devotion into magic. You have to really pour your heart and soul into magic for it to give back to you.

Please, in the future, take your time with effects before showing them off. At the very least, a week of practicing like an hour a day.
Sep 3, 2007
So I'm back now to critique the videos. MP- yours had a lot of problems. Your patter wasn't very intriguing, it was more like, "Here watch this!" over and over. It was a bit rushed, and obviously wasn't well-rehearsed.

One thing that really struck me as odd was that you made all the sponge balls disappear, and then pulled them out of your pocket. That didn't make sense, since your hand was just in your pocket. To me, it really kills the illusion. Save that vanish for the end, please.

Also, for the climax when there are two balls in the spectator's hand and one in yours, don't reveal it so fast. Build it up.

So all in all- slow down!

For Cringe-

You dropped cards everywhere. Which can be a good thing if your character is that of a klutz, doesn't know his way around a deck of cards. Just work on your Overhand Shuffle man... it's one of the most basic things out there, and most laymen can do it better than you!

Work on your Mercury Card Fold. One of the things that kills magic the quickest, according to me... and Aaron Fisher, is tension. And when you were rocking back and forth, with both hands on the deck in front you, that just shouted to me that you were doing a move, and made me wonder what the heck you were doing.

So just make your MCF a little bit faster, and that way you won't be in that awkward position for so long.

Sorry, but all in all- neither of you got my vote this time.
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