Voting Open: Quick Transpo

Aug 21, 2008
I liked magicman's better, cause i love tivo 2.0 and hedberg's peak. This was like a combination of those two tricks. And plus he used SMOKE & MIRRORS!! But you're double lifts weren't smooth, but it was still great.

Guardian's, i dunno, the whole trick seemed kind of obvious
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Both of you should take another look at your DL's, guardian more so but for both... MM, yours looks really stiff tense and generally awkward, especially when compared to your single. guardian, try and grab a break under some misdirection, yours had the same general awkwardness but worse, along with lots of hesitation and fumbling.
Nov 10, 2007
Thank you for the advice but overall did you like the effect?
Once again I love to get advice on my effects so please keep commenting.
Thank you
Aug 7, 2008
vote goes to magicman.......................................MAN, I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO VARIATED THAT EFFECT =O .....i came up with it when thinking the original tvio 2.0 was too hard. ahaha.
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