WALLETRIX by Deepak Mishra & Oliver smith

Jan 30, 2013
Hi Everyone !

My latest Project "WALLETRIX" in collaboration with my bud Oliver Smith is finally released on Penguinmagic.com

Trailer- http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/4359

WALLETRIX is first ever project which includes 6 amazing effects that can be done using a ?normal ordinary ungimmicked Wallet?.
Whats so special in this project?
1) 6 amazing super visual effects
2) No special skill required
3) Can be done with most everyday wallets
4) Gimmick/setup/method super easy.
5) Wallet is fully examinable at the end.
We would love to hear your thoughts.
Cheers !
Deepak M.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I know this was mentioned on your post at FCM - but can you really call it an ordinary ungimmicked wallet if you have to set up a gimmick in it?
Jan 30, 2013
I know this was mentioned on your post at FCM - but can you really call it an ordinary ungimmicked wallet if you have to set up a gimmick in it?

Yes its an ordinary ungimmicked wallet, as the wallet is ungimmicked i.e its not cut, glued or adapted in any way, It will remain totally fresh and unharmed after and before the effect as the gimmick is separate or detachable from the wallet and in most of the time wallet can be examined right after the effect is completed without any complicated move.(Not to mention the gimmick or the setups in some of the effects are extremely easy to make and operate and you end always clean in most of the effects.)

I Hope i clear my intention of using the term Ungimmicked wallet even though it does have a gimmick or the setup involved :)

Deepak M.
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