Welcome to theory11, card artists!

Jan 27, 2008
Is that still true because that post was made a reeeeeeeeeeally long time ago. And I haven't noticed any spotlights from dn being posted on here recently.
Hey guys. Just wanted to introduce myself, dunno if this is the right section. But I've been an inactive member for almost a year, but I've mainly been on DN. Some of you may know me. I wanted to give T11 another try.
Hey people.

It's good to finally join a forum that's for card flourishing and stuff. =D

I'm new to this forum, having only posted a couple things. Looks like a great place though.

Also, I've only been flourishing for a few months, and I don't have any vids on youtube. Whatever.

See you around the forums.

Hi. I'm a one month old beginner.
My interests concern magic and xtreme card manipulation.

I wanna learn both.

I'm 30, doesn't feel it's too late until someone stops me.
I think I will be able to find support, advice, and inspiration around here.
I hope I'll be able to share my experience as a beginner, and get feedback!

Greetings to everyone here, from France.

See ya around.:p
Mar 21, 2009
Hi there. I'm new here pretty much as to what goes on. I'm a bit of an intermediate skill magician, mostly with cards, but other things as well. A while back I bout the Guardians from here, and they are awesome. Great products guys, and I hope the forums are just as great
Welcome to theory11 card artists

Im not from WA so Ill welcome you as Im new also.

Now Ive got a picture of you and the fish so if I see you walking down wharf street I should recognise the fish so Ill say hello.

I hope I can learn things here and I hope I can be helpful here.
I guess this is where i post my intro...

Sup, I'm JapChinkGook, asian card-handling guy, so the username isn't racist =P Been reading T11 for a while, but didn't feel the need to register or post anything until recently, seeing as there are new developments in the XCM/flourish/cardisting world. Hope to be a part of it.

May 4, 2011
Hello everyone, my name is Alex and I have been doing cardistry since March 2007. I am known as Cardman for many reasons, one of them being that I do everything with cards: cardistry, magic, and cardstacking. Over the past 4 years, I have been in and out of the communities ranging from Handlordz to UnitedCardists and now I have decided to come back. I have experienced both good and bad things from the past communities and I am very thankful for that. I have never been a member of theory11 but I am looking forward to contributing in any way. I really have great passion for what I do and if anyone wants to get to know me or remembers me, send me a message or something so we can talk. See you all on the forum. :)
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Dec 11, 2010
Hay welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your time here. We have a great community here at this forums so feel free to post around and have fun.
Nov 1, 2011
Japan, kanagawa
I have a question for you. Is there a place here where I can share an idea and have someone with the skills (ie all of you guys!) perform it properly? I have a few ideas in theory, my hands are just not co-ordinated enough to pull some of the moves off. And instead of waiting for 5 years to be able to do the move, I was just wondering if anyone here would like to try it? If you are interested, please pm me and i'll send you a link! thanks =)
Sep 1, 2007
It's been a while since I posted on Theory11 and I'd like to say hi to everyone once again. All the old faces out there, "hello you"! All the new ones, "hello nice to meet you"!

Perhaps a little information about myself may be needed. My name is Jaspas, I've been doing cardistry for the last 7 hears or 8. I've placed in 5 cardistry competitions of which one was a live event. I've made close to a hundred cardistry videos, performance, tutorials and such.

All in all, nice to meet you guys.
Jan 22, 2012
Assalamualaikum. Hello . Selamat sejahtera. xD .. Hey guys..I'm 16 .but I'm still 6 months old in cardistry. Newbie. My name is Aiman. nice to meet ya. ;) .
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Oct 7, 2012
Hello Everyone!
My name is Reagan. I'm new to Cardistry/Flourishing and I just started three months ago. It's great meeting you all =)
I actually don't know how to introduce myself, but I hope this is good enough ^ ^. I hope everyone have a great weekend!

Jun 22, 2013
New York
what a good trick has been mentioned in this old dated forum .. i was not aware with the so old post .. but its value does not get any less as it contains a worth to be considered
Apr 26, 2013
Hey, theory 11 community. My name is Cristian and I'm a 23 year old college student. I came in contact with cardistry 5 years ago when I wanted to learn the spring, a move which fascinated me since childhood. So, in learning this feat, I've started watching some videos on youtube with tips on doing it which led me to other flourishes and as you can imagine it didn't take me much to get addicted to this art form, learning among others my 2 favourite moves until now: Chris Kenner's 5 Faces of Sybil and Daryl's Hot Shot Cut. Sadly, after a couple of years I had to give up on it, because college got very serious and I hadn't any time to spare. But now I want to start anew and in this regard I've already gotten Andrei Jikh's Genesis Vol.1 (hope I've started with the right one for my level) and I can't wait to start learning.

This website and community is very awesome and I hope I can contribute to it as much as I can and make good friends. Looking forward to many constructive discussions.

P.S. Sorry for my not so fluent English, I will try to improve it in the future..
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