We've been dreaming. The Mystery Box.

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
Just to clarify, our decks are actually THE most economical of any premium cards on the market, which is even more meaningful once considered that we use more expensive materials, printing processes, foil, and embossing than anyone else. We obsess over those details, and we spend a huge amount of time getting it just right. Where other decks sell for up to $11.95 per deck, Monarchs and even Artisans are $6.95. That, combined with the consideration that a cup of black coffee at Starbucks costs $5, I personally believe makes them one heck of a deal!

Man...the starbucks coffee example really puts things in perspective... personally I can take those 6.95 bucks (supposedly "overpriced" deck) ...walkaround... and transform it into 100 bucks in a couple of hours... so I think you receive a lot more than you pay for...
Dec 5, 2009
Ok. I've got it. You're working with The Riddler.

Hahaha! Maybe that's it! I'm following this closely. So far, it seems like something made out of wood, but that cryptex photo last night has me thinking. Has anyone found any additional images OTHER than the ones on Instagram?


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
So. It's a box? Think you guys might be stretching this one a bit thin. I mean, I like boxes, don't get me wrong. But ... personally, you're losing me.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
My point was I feel like there needs to be more to entice.

Ah well. I'll check back later. I dig the box, though.
Sep 1, 2007
Maybe there already is... and much more coming soon. ;)

I think what he means Jon is that there is a fine line between anticipation and tedium. We are all now very aware and comfortable with the fact that this is a box. You can stop showing us pictures of it now.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
We are all now very aware and comfortable with the fact that this is a box.

Steerpike, appreciate your insight, but this is a project a year in the making and our MOST significant to date. Accordingly, please understand and trust that we're not just posting random pictures, but perhaps there's something much deeper at work that just might surprise yourself, especially.


Elite Member
Sep 2, 2007
Las Vegas
This project has been unbelievable. An amazing journey from the very beginning. By far, the coolest thing we've ever done to date.

Can't wait till all the details are revealed!
Sep 1, 2007
Steerpike, appreciate your insight, but this is a project a year in the making and our MOST significant to date. Accordingly, please understand and trust that we're not just posting random pictures, but perhaps there's something much deeper at work that just might surprise yourself, especially.

I'm sure you did plan this well in advance. I just think that Christopher was saying, and if he was I agree, we're cool with the box. You can show us something else and we'd be okay with that.
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