As an entertainer I've had two key areas in the magical arts pull at me; I spent the 1970s and most of the 80s learning and performing big stage magic and even ventured into the creative side of things when partnering with Ken Whitaker & Creative Illusions for a short stint. . . but then, I've brain stormed with many others over the years as well.
Mentalism and it's dark cousin, Bizarre Magick have always been there in the background but I'd be in my latter 20s/ early 30's before I'd start making serious ventures down that path even though I'd done Macabre styled stage shows for years.
My point here, is that last week I tabled the idea of creating a Sub-Forum here at T-11 that allows Mentalists & Bizarrists their own "safe space" to talk shop. This week therefore I am going to take a bigger leap and ask how many here would support a similar sub-forum that deals with big stage? Everything from the basic hand-prop type systems to the Mega Illusions that have become part and parcel of things now days?
Needless to say such a subdivision will require some added niches such as Livestock issues & effects, Construction Methods, Slight of Person Effects, etc. then too, WE, the people supporting such a section, would have to be very careful when it comes to divulging how certain things actually operate (it's very easy to do with this level of magic).
Understand, I'm asking for a show of hands as to how many here have an honest passion for big stage work not just people that are curious about how things work. If you want to learn how to build & design big props for an example, this would be the kind of forum that would help with that. If you need to find inexpensive ways of creating a big effect for an up-coming show, this forum would help you with that. Then again, if you are crazy enough to want to build a 60 minute to 120 minute revue show. . . we will be able to help with that as well.
So, What do YOU Think?
How Many of You Would Like to See Such a Niche Forum Created?
Just a side note. . . my vision on this suggestion would be to give the web something unique and unlike what's already out there. I'm not interested in offering "more of the same" but rather, to deliver something that's productive and useful. . . something not found elsewhere on line.
Mentalism and it's dark cousin, Bizarre Magick have always been there in the background but I'd be in my latter 20s/ early 30's before I'd start making serious ventures down that path even though I'd done Macabre styled stage shows for years.
My point here, is that last week I tabled the idea of creating a Sub-Forum here at T-11 that allows Mentalists & Bizarrists their own "safe space" to talk shop. This week therefore I am going to take a bigger leap and ask how many here would support a similar sub-forum that deals with big stage? Everything from the basic hand-prop type systems to the Mega Illusions that have become part and parcel of things now days?
Needless to say such a subdivision will require some added niches such as Livestock issues & effects, Construction Methods, Slight of Person Effects, etc. then too, WE, the people supporting such a section, would have to be very careful when it comes to divulging how certain things actually operate (it's very easy to do with this level of magic).
Understand, I'm asking for a show of hands as to how many here have an honest passion for big stage work not just people that are curious about how things work. If you want to learn how to build & design big props for an example, this would be the kind of forum that would help with that. If you need to find inexpensive ways of creating a big effect for an up-coming show, this forum would help you with that. Then again, if you are crazy enough to want to build a 60 minute to 120 minute revue show. . . we will be able to help with that as well.
So, What do YOU Think?
How Many of You Would Like to See Such a Niche Forum Created?
Just a side note. . . my vision on this suggestion would be to give the web something unique and unlike what's already out there. I'm not interested in offering "more of the same" but rather, to deliver something that's productive and useful. . . something not found elsewhere on line.