What could you do with this magically?

Dec 29, 2011
Pretty much anything you can already do with a PK ring, but probably a little more plus it looks way cleaner, you could probably do much more open and visual stuff. It's cool, but it sounds like it needs perfecting a little, I do not like the sound of it flipping around in my finger.
I like the sound of open PK stuff, like moving objects around, if you combined it with static you could make them move in different ways too.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Yeah...I didn't like the sound of it flipping around under my skin either. I would have to see what the "long" term health risks would be a few years down the road as well. It is definitely something to make you think a bit and it would make all PK effects look much cleaner for sure.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I've read about this before. I'd considered it, but I thought I read that the magnet was getting weaker over time and the guy was unable to pick up as much as he used to be able to.
Dec 29, 2011
I'm sure you could reduce the risks by actually doing it properly, just cutting yourself open and slipping a magnet in there is a bad idea, but say the magnet was mounted in some sort of sterile plastic capsule, and maybe that could be made to fit somewhere in your palm, I would definitely consider that. I'd love to move small objects around on a glass table with clean hands.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I like the idea of it actually in a capsule or something in your palm. That would look sick...moving things around with open hands. I wonder if the magnet would erase data though if you were holding like credit cards, or if you held a usb drive, or something similar. Hmm.....

It does make you wonder what technology will be out there in the next 50 years. Will we have implanted phone devices in our bodies?
Dec 29, 2011
It says in the article that hes never accidentally erased a card or anything, that depends on the strength of the magnet.

Yeah. And have you thought that you won't be able to turn the magnet off?

That is possible, with and without electronics. This would also reduce the risk of wiping data.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
To wipe a card you have to have a powerful magnet which is swiped over the card in a somewhat specific fashion. Mythbusters did an episode on it. When they set the card on an electro magnet and turned it on, nothing. But if they turned it on and slid the card over the magnet (as if you had set it on a counter and someone was reaching over to pick it up like when you buy something at store), it cleared the data.

So I wouldn't worry too much about clearing data on a card with a small magnet in my finger.
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
At one point in time I was seriously considering this in that I kept loosing my tiny rare-earth mags and got tired of coming up with inventive ways of concealing them on my fingertips. A doctor friend of mine however, suggested that there could be some negative side effects when it comes to having such a strong magnetic source in the body full time, not to mention the more impractical scenarios one would have to learn to deal with in the course of life itself.
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