What is a good price/ Contest

Aug 25, 2012
I have filmed and am putting out my first wire downloads and I would like to know what I should ask for price wise if even a price I want to see what the buyer thinks. Now I wanted to put a price because of what this offers (below). Along with my first wire download I am going to pick one individual who comments on this post and they will get the effect 1 day before it's released.

Download will contain:
A control I have been working with for around 6-8 months
2 effects using this control (Not 100% original effects) - One of the effects is an effect by none other than, Oz Pearlman, which he knows that I am teaching his trick in the download with a new method and loves the idea of that I got in contact with him and he is overly excited to see what new ideas have been incorporated to this classic effect.



Elite Member
Mar 11, 2013
I would say price it at $3.99 :D It is hard to give a good estimate on what to price it without knowing what the control looks like.
Nov 9, 2012
England, UK
put it this way cheaper it is more popular it will be and I can't give you a cost because its what you feel comfortable with plus I haven't seen any performances :) good luck though
Sep 1, 2007
Totally honest: knowledge that it's only been tested for 6 months would drive me away. I want to know that it's seen frequent, regular performance for at least a year before I'm ready to buy. And even then, I'm not willing to shell out more than a couple bucks.

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
you can´t be serious... to wants us to price a "control" we have no idea how it looks... also maybe is something that has been done before or maybe it looks "suspicious"... there are so many factors to consider to even think about getting it...


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
I would say price it at $3.99 :D It is hard to give a good estimate on what to price it without knowing what the control looks like.

Wow. For just slightly more than two controls at that price. I could get Arthur Buckley's book entitled Card Control. For only $8.68, it has more controls, multiple card controls, lifts, shifts, palms and deals that you could ever want. Don't believe me, look HERE.
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