Dec 29, 2017
This is really dependent on what you want to achieve. Do you just want to buy a few tricks to do for family, friends, or just entertaining yourself? If that is the case, buy whatever floats your boat. Be prepared to go through a lot of loops while learning them, also you'll probably want some learning material with it (Guerrilla Guide to Loops, etc.). You'll honestly probably get the most out of an invisible deck. Simple but I know people who never leave home without one.

Are you planning on actively learning a lot of various things? Start with Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic and maybe the Amateur Magician's Handbook. That would be a solid start. If you plan on working more strictly with cards, go with Royal Road to Card Magic and/or Card College's complete set. Skip Expert at the Card Table for now. If you need visual aid, R Paul Wilson's Royal Road DVD set is great. Coins? Modern Coin Magic by J.B. Bobo. I've also heard the Metal DVDs are pretty good if that is your preferred method. There was also that Sucker Punch release that mimics what you'd be doing with coins at a much more affordable price point.

If you want to start getting into theory, developing a routine for shows, pick up Mark Wilson's and other relevant material and go from there. If you just want a fire wallet, buy a fire wallet you know? We can't really tell you what gimmicks are the best because we have no idea of what you'll be doing with them or why.

@RealityOne provides rather sage advice regarding youtube vs. books. For a minimal amount you can have usually 50+ effects explained in detail for you. That is a decent amount of whatever it is you're practicing magic with. However a little bit of column A and column B is never bad. Take what you read, learn and practice it, compare it to other's methods if you need to see it done. Hell, you might find you do it better or learn angles if you are a visual learner. The converse is true as well as you might pick up that youtuber's poor habits.
Mar 8, 2018
This is really dependent on what you want to achieve. Do you just want to buy a few tricks to do for family, friends, or just entertaining yourself? If that is the case, buy whatever floats your boat. Be prepared to go through a lot of loops while learning them, also you'll probably want some learning material with it (Guerrilla Guide to Loops, etc.). You'll honestly probably get the most out of an invisible deck. Simple but I know people who never leave home without one.

Are you planning on actively learning a lot of various things? Start with Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic and maybe the Amateur Magician's Handbook. That would be a solid start. If you plan on working more strictly with cards, go with Royal Road to Card Magic and/or Card College's complete set. Skip Expert at the Card Table for now. If you need visual aid, R Paul Wilson's Royal Road DVD set is great. Coins? Modern Coin Magic by J.B. Bobo. I've also heard the Metal DVDs are pretty good if that is your preferred method. There was also that Sucker Punch release that mimics what you'd be doing with coins at a much more affordable price point.

If you want to start getting into theory, developing a routine for shows, pick up Mark Wilson's and other relevant material and go from there. If you just want a fire wallet, buy a fire wallet you know? We can't really tell you what gimmicks are the best because we have no idea of what you'll be doing with them or why.

@RealityOne provides rather sage advice regarding youtube vs. books. For a minimal amount you can have usually 50+ effects explained in detail for you. That is a decent amount of whatever it is you're practicing magic with. However a little bit of column A and column B is never bad. Take what you read, learn and practice it, compare it to other's methods if you need to see it done. Hell, you might find you do it better or learn angles if you are a visual learner. The converse is true as well as you might pick up that youtuber's poor habits.
so what i do with magic is that i do different kind of tricks that can be connected with each other and create a small routine so i want a utility device or a immick that can ne done from one peple to a small group so tje kind o magic i do is street magic and
Mar 8, 2018
This is really dependent on what you want to achieve. Do you just want to buy a few tricks to do for family, friends, or just entertaining yourself? If that is the case, buy whatever floats your boat. Be prepared to go through a lot of loops while learning them, also you'll probably want some learning material with it (Guerrilla Guide to Loops, etc.). You'll honestly probably get the most out of an invisible deck. Simple but I know people who never leave home without one.

Are you planning on actively learning a lot of various things? Start with Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic and maybe the Amateur Magician's Handbook. That would be a solid start. If you plan on working more strictly with cards, go with Royal Road to Card Magic and/or Card College's complete set. Skip Expert at the Card Table for now. If you need visual aid, R Paul Wilson's Royal Road DVD set is great. Coins? Modern Coin Magic by J.B. Bobo. I've also heard the Metal DVDs are pretty good if that is your preferred method. There was also that Sucker Punch release that mimics what you'd be doing with coins at a much more affordable price point.

If you want to start getting into theory, developing a routine for shows, pick up Mark Wilson's and other relevant material and go from there. If you just want a fire wallet, buy a fire wallet you know? We can't really tell you what gimmicks are the best because we have no idea of what you'll be doing with them or why.

@RealityOne provides rather sage advice regarding youtube vs. books. For a minimal amount you can have usually 50+ effects explained in detail for you. That is a decent amount of whatever it is you're practicing magic with. However a little bit of column A and column B is never bad. Take what you read, learn and practice it, compare it to other's methods if you need to see it done. Hell, you might find you do it better or learn angles if you are a visual learner. The converse is true as well as you might pick up that youtuber's poor habits.
also ecxept from street magic i do small perfomances tjat last fifteen minutes and nirmal perfomances to 5 to ten people that last one hour and the tricks i use in perfomances are small routines that i have combine with 2tricks together and with hat system i dont lose time searching my stuff i am just ok but i wanna add something new to dont use the same tricks
Mar 8, 2018
This is really dependent on what you want to achieve. Do you just want to buy a few tricks to do for family, friends, or just entertaining yourself? If that is the case, buy whatever floats your boat. Be prepared to go through a lot of loops while learning them, also you'll probably want some learning material with it (Guerrilla Guide to Loops, etc.). You'll honestly probably get the most out of an invisible deck. Simple but I know people who never leave home without one.

Are you planning on actively learning a lot of various things? Start with Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic and maybe the Amateur Magician's Handbook. That would be a solid start. If you plan on working more strictly with cards, go with Royal Road to Card Magic and/or Card College's complete set. Skip Expert at the Card Table for now. If you need visual aid, R Paul Wilson's Royal Road DVD set is great. Coins? Modern Coin Magic by J.B. Bobo. I've also heard the Metal DVDs are pretty good if that is your preferred method. There was also that Sucker Punch release that mimics what you'd be doing with coins at a much more affordable price point.

If you want to start getting into theory, developing a routine for shows, pick up Mark Wilson's and other relevant material and go from there. If you just want a fire wallet, buy a fire wallet you know? We can't really tell you what gimmicks are the best because we have no idea of what you'll be doing with them or why.

@RealityOne provides rather sage advice regarding youtube vs. books. For a minimal amount you can have usually 50+ effects explained in detail for you. That is a decent amount of whatever it is you're practicing magic with. However a little bit of column A and column B is never bad. Take what you read, learn and practice it, compare it to other's methods if you need to see it done. Hell, you might find you do it better or learn angles if you are a visual learner. The converse is true as well as you might pick up that youtuber's poor habits.
so i thought that nest of wallets or vanishing bottle if u perform them with he rifht i i will cover some time and i will make the show more enjoyable but i dont know if the re us a better immick that will be better for street magic for a perfomance but i also can carry it around like an omni deck a thumb writter etc
Mar 8, 2018
so i thought that nest of wallets or vanishing bottle if u perform them with he rifht i i will cover some time and i will make the show more enjoyable but i dont know if the re us a better immick that will be better for street magic for a perfomance but i also can carry it around like an omni deck a thumb writter etc
so to be honest i look more for a performance immick that will have amazing rwactions


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
if i take loops i will most use them for the invisible touch and the ghost deck.But i would like to tell me your opinion about the other gimmicks too! what do you think for 1)nest of wallets 2)vanishing coke ??? and whats more worthy and get better reactions?

Gimmicks don't get reactions. Magicians get reactions. That is, the reaction depends on your performance. I can see each of those effects being amazing in the hands of a good magician. The question is which effect can you visualize performing well and enjoying performing. It is sort of like asking what flavor of ice cream you should have... I like strawberry but you may prefer chocolate.

So in every effect there is a little part that describes that effect and if im interested i read it, i try to lern it and then i look who to perfom it? and that works not only for effects but with normal tricks and others right?

You've got the idea. I use the word effect for what you call tricks, so it is all the same.

Also is there a better gimmick of these i am telling you right now?

If you aren't certain you want something, keep looking. I keep a list of things that I'm interested in buying. If something stays at the top of the list for a while, I get it.

You'll honestly probably get the most out of an invisible deck. Simple but I know people who never leave home without one.

Best money ever spent.

so i thought that nest of wallets or vanishing bottle if u perform them with he rifht i i will cover some time and i will make the show more enjoyable but i dont know if the re us a better immick that will be better for street magic for a perfomance but i also can carry it around like an omni deck a thumb writter etc

so to be honest i look more for a performance immick that will have amazing rwactions

Keep looking until you find something that you know you will love to perform. That will make it the most amazing... not because of the gimmick but your performance with it.
Mar 8, 2018
thanks guys for everything because you teach me stuff and whenever i have a question you always reply to me! i will serch a lot of gimmicks until i find the gimmick that i find i can perform better and make it look great with my perfomance thank you very muchh!! and i have another question are sandsminds gimmicks worth are they really look like the videos??? because all these looks fake.
Mar 8, 2018
also should i take gimmicks from ebay that are the same trick but it comes from china or i shouldnt do that?? because i dont know from the real site who the shipping will cost to come to greece? and on ebay i can find them very cheap ! and just to know i have never take a gimmick with cd/dvd before and i want my first buy to be a good one !! but as you said i should find the gimmick that suits me better !!
but i wanna see some reviews and i want you to recommend me some good gimmicks because i dont know a lot of gimmicks i have the basic ones like spongeballs, utility devices like thumbs etc but i want to send me some gimmicks because know i am stuck to these two i say all time and i wanna see smthing different that will change my mind completly like i said i do a little bid street magic to friends because i always carry cards when i go out and when i see friend i do a little bid street magic 4-5 tricks with doublelifts etc. but mostly i want to recommend me some good gimmicks for mini shows and perfomances that last the most 1 hour and as i said my in my perfomances i use small routines that are about 10-15 min and i want smthing else expect with cards to make my perfomance more interesting! smthing that doest have to be with cards! pls send me just gimmicks that doest have to do with cards and you would use them in an perfomance and then i will see them and i will find what suits me better! By the way thanks for everythingg!!!
Mar 8, 2018
the cost of that gimmick if you sent me i wanna be 15-16 dollars not more tahanks for everything i know that a good gimmicks costs more but if you can find pls tell me or should i buy one the two i am stucked because i think that i can perform them really good! thanks for everything!!
Mar 8, 2018
Gimmicks don't get reactions. Magicians get reactions. That is, the reaction depends on your performance. I can see each of those effects being amazing in the hands of a good magician. The question is which effect can you visualize performing well and enjoying performing. It is sort of like asking what flavor of ice cream you should have... I like strawberry but you may prefer chocolate.

You've got the idea. I use the word effect for what you call tricks, so it is all the same.

If you aren't certain you want something, keep looking. I keep a list of things that I'm interested in buying. If something stays at the top of the list for a while, I get it.

Best money ever spent.

Keep looking until you find something that you know you will love to perform. That will make it the most amazing... not because of the gimmick but your performance with it.
so what do you think about the other things i asked?
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