What tricks do you get the greatest reactions with?

Sep 24, 2008
I would have to say that the most simple and elegant magic gets the best reactions for me -

ACR - always great
Any mentalism - when you seem to read peoples mind it messes with thier mind
Aug 20, 2008
I find any trick that they think a card changes in their hands or if the deck is shuffled by them gets the best reaction.

Basically any trick that the spectator thinks their in control of the cards.
Jun 27, 2008
description: The trick that have brought me the greatest reactions so far

Just today, I brought my homemade marked deck of bikes to school. I wanted to show my "mean skills in card location" :p
I told her to pick any card she liked, and stick half way in the deck, so that I could really see exactly where she put it in, before losing it in a shuffle (of course I knew what the card was at this time). Then I told her, that if she didn't believe this was fair, she could shuffle the card herself, and she did. Then I took the deck back and cut her card to the top.
I then performed the double lift to apparently show her card, and she started to giggle and said, "no, it was the 7 of spades - it's right here" as she took the deck out of my hands to find her card. Then I simply got rid of the x-card and calmly sat with the "wrong" card face down, until she looked up from the deck with wonder in her face. I giggled back and turned the 7 of spades over, and she freaked out!

Best experience ever..


Do try this trick at home :p
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