I don't know if this has been said but I think it would be nice to have bag to put your magic and yet you can carry it and have the theory 11 logo on the corner and have the Guardian Angel card back on the front.
We need George the Monkey replicas so we can show our alliance to Theory11 and George. After all, he's one of the main reasons we came to Theory11, right?
Theory 11 T-shirts. Like, maybe one with CERCA TROVA on it. And then another with ELEVEN on it, as in theory ELEVEN. And just for kicks, a MYSTERY labeled t-shirt.
- Danny Garcia beads.
- Wayne Houchin goatee trimming tips and tricks.
- Chris Kenner and Katie Egleston hugging magnetic plushies.
- George the Monkey plushie replicas.
- Daniel Madison skills-in-a-can.
seriously, maybe some band type rings (PK?) would be nice, cos they kinda add a nice touch when you're doing magic in your hands and people are all looking at them. Of course, along with all your beanie, t shirt, bag , etc .ideas
I think different Theory 11 t-shirt designs would be cool...
maybe a solid black t-shirt with a reverse print of their joker design in big either on the front or on the back....or maybe even a reverse print of their Ace of Spades.