Whats the best way to store playing cards?

Feb 10, 2014
Ive seen people lay them all out flat in a drawer. ive seen them standing up and other ways. i currently have mine stacked on top of each other in a shoebox. Im worried that there being warped. Any comments would be welcome i just want to know if what im doing is hurting my cards.Thank you


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
That should be fine - it would be good to toss a silica packet in there as well to control humidity.

I found these memento/picture boxes at Joann's. They're frequently on sale for $2 each or less, so I have 5 or 6. If you lay a deck on its side, they fit perfectly in two rows, with a bit more room to stack more flat on top of that. Something like 20-30 decks per box. They come with silica packets, too. Other than finding an actual display case, this is the best thing I've found.
Apr 17, 2013
The cards I use in my day to day work I keep in 800count sports card boxes. They are like fifty cents each. I pack them in nice and tights. keeps them from warping some in the Texas summers


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Do you think the Dan and Dave Variety Boxes will keep cards from warping?

Not on their own - they're just boxes. You'll need to make sure the cards are stored in an environment that keeps them from warping as well - not too hot and low humidity. If you toss a silica packet into the variety box and then store them in a closet that should be fine - as long as you don't have water in your walls.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
So having them in a dresser would be good if I just have a silica pack?

As long as it's in an area that's not too warm, not too humid, and not too cold (Too cold would be freezing temperatures so that's not a big worry). You may want two silica packets, depending on how big the dresser drawers are. If they're really wide, I'd put one on either side.
Nov 24, 2013
As long as it's in an area that's not too warm, not too humid, and not too cold (Too cold would be freezing temperatures so that's not a big worry). You may want two silica packets, depending on how big the dresser drawers are. If they're really wide, I'd put one on either side.

That helps thanks :).
I just keep all my cards on my shelf on the wall, all cards can warp but thats when you break out the Joe Porper card clip. I have soo many different decks and i go through a few different ones every week or so but dw so much about damaging your cards, by all means try and keep them as nice as possible but remember they are made to be used, just have fun with them.

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
You can store your cards however you would like! There are limitless ways. I have a lot of cards (I stopped counting, I think I have around 500 decks now), so I needed a storage solution that could handle that quantity and weight. I couldn't find anything, so I made what I needed instead.


This box hold close to 600 decks of cards. It looks like you open it from the front, but it secretly opens from the top/side.




This is not a solution for everyone. I was OK investing the cash for this build (it was not cheap). I had enough cards to justify it. I already had an interest in woodwork (plus a woodworking father who had the tools and experience to help). I also had my own unique idea to create a "trick" box that would mess with people I showed it to. Unless you are a pretty hardcore card collector, something like this isn't for you. You may want to get something more along these lines (this is where I started). A shoebox or dresser drawer may be better for you. I have seen kitchen drawers full of cards, unused cabinets, stacks of cards on a deck, and just about everything in between. There are a ton of options, just fine the one that is right for you.

// L
Feb 17, 2014
When i store cards i normally put them back into the box and put them in a card clip. If you want them to last you a while then you should keep them in a place where nothing will snag on the box. Snagging could cause tearing in the box. Hope this helped!
Nov 19, 2015
Does anyone know where I can get a lay flat storage box, similar to the theory 11 display case for 40 decks? Everything I see is a wall mount of brick box.
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