What's Your Favorite Color Change?

Sep 3, 2007
Kentucky - Temporarily
Why not?

I really dig the old Classic Erdnase change, especially since I've added my own touch to it.

I also like the Dark Change.

However, I recently watched the Stroke Change, conveniently named because I had one after I saw it. Honestly, it puts everything I've seen to shame. I wanted to vomit blood after seeing it.

Ben Earl...just...dang man.

|| sean ||
My two favorite changes (and the ones I often get asked a lot about) are my handlings for the paintbrush change and the marconick change.

Some other ones I enjoy are the Impulse change (Jack Carpenter), the Huck Change (Richard Hucko), Erdnase (Andrews?), and Andrus (Jerry Andrus).

I am still unsure why I am not keen on the snap change and the shapeshifter change. I do them just fine, but they don't resonate very well with me.
Sep 1, 2007
Winter Change, Jones Change, That Change in the Buck Twins' T11 Bonus Footage and Ben Earl's Stroke Change.
Sep 1, 2007
I use different changes depending on the situation. The Twirl Change fries every time, so I use that often. I also like to use the Winter Change and the Ego/Cardini Change as well. The Snap Change is awesome, but I find it to be too angle sensitive to actually use a majority of the time. The Classic Erdnase is also one of my favorites, mainly because of its simplicity, but also because it is a pretty visual color change when performed correctly.


Jan 6, 2008
in order:
1. Ego change (need to practice more with a thumb break)
2. Shapeshifter as its oh so easy
3. justin millers variation on the erdanese..
4. Impulse change
5. Paintbrush used in Colt 45 pip switch (for this trick its the best hands down)
6. any others really, never been a big fan of the snap but it deserves a mention as i have used it...
If anyone got the chance to check out issues of Trapdoor magazine ( stopped in 95s I believe ), you're in for a treat.

Steve Beam ( editor ) is a color change addict, and I mean it littrally. The Trapdoor is full of changes ( even one issue devoted for color changes only if my memory serves me ). ShapeShifter was first published there by the way.

It has 3 changes that I really like, Hurricane change is one version of the Erdnase where you just wave your hands and it changes. Jean Pierre Valarino has a neat color change there too, along with a change I forgot its name, where you move the card at your fingertips with two packets around it, and it changes, looks like the deck never came into contact with the card.

At end, other than these three, Shapeshifter and some Erdnase change versions are my favorites.
Jan 31, 2008
Betram Change

My favorite Color Change is the Bertram Change although its very angle-sensitive and almost everyone can do it.
It´s fast, smooth and clean.
A good Tenkai steal and you got an amazing Change!


Jan 6, 2008
also, if i only have like one or two people watching from the front, then an 'in your face change' can look quite nice, its just you end pretty dirty if you know what i mean but it can be cleaned up with practice, its not my favourite but it is easy and practical... :D
Dec 28, 2007
I like Snap Change, and Houdini Change (often miscredited to Erdnase). I seldom do any Colour Changes, but those two are nice, they have pretty perfect angles, and one is instant, while other being more delayed.
ego change and slydini change they both look kinda the same but i like the flick u use for slydini. also erdanase is one of my favorites too cause its so versatile, provides lots of cover, and gets you in place for a double lift
Sep 1, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Marc DeSouza's Shapeshifter and Danny Garcia's Ego change are my two favorite to perform but probably not the two I use the most. Side jog change and Erdnase I probably use more often than not. Shapeshifter and Ego Change always garner better reactions though when used as a finisher whereas I use the side jog and Erdnase more as part of a routine or in the middle of a routine instead of finishing with it because they aren't very dramatic changes in my eyes.

Sep 3, 2007
I don't have a favorite, but I use the Shapeshifter, Shake Change, and Erdnase Changes the best. The way I see it, though, is that they're all the same in the eyes of the spectator. If you showed twelve different color changes to twelve different laymen, odds are they would all describe it the same way... "One card changed into a different card!" Do you know what I'm saying?
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