Where did Danny Garcia go?

Sep 1, 2007
Daniel Garcia actually has gone on strike until he gets special attention from yours truly. That is the real reason I am going to Houston, I'm willing to sacrifice my formal upbringing and normal intelligence by visiting the south and hanging out with Daniel.

I hope the outcome of my visit will coax him out of his silence and bring him back to the positive influences of the magic community. As well all care and miss Mr. Garcia, I'm going to do my best to talk him into releasing some more of his bad ass products, as his talents shall no longer be hidden from the world.

Katie Egleston

On strike? What does that mean?
Sep 2, 2007
On strike? What does that mean?
I believe a strike is a work stoppage caused by the refusal of an employee to perform work, usually in response to employee grievances.

However, it probably is a joke:
i start production for another multi-disc project at the beginning of the new year. Basically what i am doing is placing everything that i wanted to put out on single trick dvd's into a massive hard hitting set. i hope you guys like it.
But, you never know. :D

Sep 1, 2007
Houston TX
yeah dont worry guys i was just hanging with him last week he is totally fine
he just seems to be chilling right now
i love all of his tricks as i know you all do as well
dont worry he is still coming up with great ideas he just is not doing a bunch right now
Oct 28, 2007
There is going to be more Garcia releases next year from Ellusionist. I've seen both Ultra Gaff & Fallen and you're really going to like these. I don't have a timeline, but they're on the way.
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