Which trick would you pick?

Dec 23, 2010
If you had neither of these tricks, but someone offered you one of them, which one would you pick? The choices are: Spreadwave, Edge, Crush, Smoke, or Regeneration. Why did you choose your answer?


Elite Member
Jan 8, 2010
Knowing how Crush works, I personally wouldn't buy it. Owning Smoke I can tell you that it get's good reactions. Spreadwave and Edge look great but they also look like they're fully gimmicked, therefor I would choose Regeneration. I don't know how it works but I imagine it's the second most versatile trick in your list.
Jan 4, 2013
What is more important to you?

WOW factor
Ease of performance
Cards vs everyday objects

If you get edge you have a utility you can use for along time with lots of different outcomes in different stories.
I wouldnt get crush it is very limited and I have it and never perform it.
Regeneration is okay but not too big of a WOW factor like spreadwave and edge.
I dont know anything about smoke but I've never had an interest in it because it looks pretty limited.

I'd get.... Edge! It's 20$ less than spread wave so you have 20 for something else.
Take another look at Fiber Optics by richard sanders, thats the one im about to get.
Yes nobody really does rope tricks any more but its unique and can just cary three pieces of rope in your pocket.
and yes they are just regular pieces of rope i promise!


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
If you had neither of these tricks, but someone offered you one of them, which one would you pick? The choices are: Spreadwave, Edge, Crush, Smoke, or Regeneration. Why did you choose your answer?

First I would say this: What we want is irrelevant. What fits your style? What gives you the most ideas?

The only ones that hold any interest for me are Smoke and Crush, and I don't think I'd use Crush very often so I'd get Smoke. But that's me. My style is not your style.
Sep 1, 2007
Belgrade, Serbia
From what I heard, Regeneration only comes with enough gimmicks for like 20 or so performances (I'm not really sure), so once that's up, you done, no more, so I wouldn't go for that one.
Smoke is pretty good, and gets great reactions, and you can use it and combine it with many routines, but you also need charge the gimmick and buy refills eventually, so it's not always ready to go (unlike the deck of cards for example).
Crush is pretty impractical, so I wouldn't go for that one either.
Edge is pretty much a one revelation with one deck of cards, two revelations the most, which means it cannot be done more than twice for the same audience (which is pretty much all you need), and it's all in the hands as it doesn't require a table (I believe).
Spreadwave is what I would go for because it's not just an ordinary card trick, selection is free, revelation is pretty stunning and visual, and it fooled Pen and Teller. The only downside is that you need a lot of table space.
Dec 29, 2011
From what I know about these, none. None of them are very commercial at all and you could spend your money in much better ways.
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
DO NOT GET CRUSH! It is a blatant rip-off -- a Jr. High School Level Science Experiment that was allowed to be marketed, same goes with SPIN. . . the people that put these on the market should be ashamed.

Smoke is nice but I would use it in tandem with the E version. . . not that either version is "better" but that in using them together, you will be able to gain some phenomenal advantages and flexibility. There may be another type of smoke effect hitting the mark late in the coming summer, but it has a few draw-backs. . . can't go into it presently.

I'm not familiar with the other effects but if I were shopping, one of the big things I always consider is how versatile the system is and if it could be used in other ways. I'm not interested in dust collectors and things that will stay in a drawer, so I want to find "systems" far more than effects. Then again, the manner by which magic is marketed these days, you're rarely certain what the actual effect is at times, due to creative editing and slick presentations. So be careful and ask questions before you cough up the cash.
Apr 1, 2009
Personally, I love Crush. There really are two versions of this on the dvd. One is gimmicked, this one will give you a stronger crushing effect... the gimmickless one is the one that is similar to the science experiments... but it's simplified and a much quicker set up. The benefits to the gimmickless one is that the spectator is able to hold on to the bottle as it's crushing and just about any bottle can be used. I highly recommend this piece. You're truly missing out on an astonishing piece of magic if you let this one go due to people blowing it off as a knock off of a science experiment.
Apr 6, 2011
Lansing, MI
Sadly Asher, I have to agree. Crush neither impressed me nor spectators. Mayhap it simply does not fit my performance style though, which it really doesn't. I absolutely love both Regeneration and Spreadwave, however as Regeneration has much more possibilities for improvisation I would probably go with that. Also, it is something you can make yourself once you know how its done. Spreadwave however is a mind-blowing revelation, and you can build up to it however you'd like. I"d recommend both.
Jan 22, 2012
I really love Regeneration! It is truly a hard hitting effect that gets people but you have to use it in the right situation to make it worth while for your spectator. For example if there is a heckler or maybe an important person you want to impress, this is the type of effect that's perfect for that. Also this is the kind of thing where you can put it in the deck and nobody will notice that it's even there. Also Smoke is really good so I would suggest you get that. Spreadwave and Edge look very suspicious so I wouldn't get that.
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