White Magic: My Review

Well, meet me somewhere and show me, I'm curious. There is no way that's a practical trick that can be done on the spot. The body appearance, can't be done in my living room. Only in that little street corner or wherever he was. And yeah it was just him and one guy he worked with, not to mention once you saw his full body they immediately cut the camera to a different angel. To me that was pointless. Also I love magic and people and I'm not arguing, I'm simply debating.
Yes, this is a friendly debate. As far as the Hollywood sign trick, I said I could do it with no stooges and no dupes. That doesn't mean I could do it anytime, on the spot. There is some setup.
Apr 6, 2011
Lansing, MI
Oh believe me I understand how human we all are and that we have faults but that doesn't mean I don't question it. I just don't see the point in slamming him for being unable to on command perform some of those tricks. even if he had a stooge involved does it really matter if the people are entertained? hell reality tv is as fake as it gets and people obsess over it. I'm not saying that just because he has more experience than me that he is right i'm just saying I have no right to criticize him when I have not been in his shoes

Perhaps we are just of a different matter of opinion then. I also see reality TV being pretty awful garbage so..

And yes it really matters if he had stooges involved. There are two different types of lying in magic, one is deceptive, one is just straight up lying. Stooges are straight up lying. Saying to your audience, I have here a normal deck of cards, when it is not, is also straight up lying. Saying I'm putting this card into the middle of the pack and letting them suppose it is their card, that is deception. I personally have a problem with straight up lying, and attempt to avoid it. Sometimes.

It also matters because magicians in general are already being flamed for the likes of Chris Angel and that whole movement, I don't want to support anything that supports that style of magic. But again, I'm gonna have to see the special for myself before I judge.
Apr 6, 2011
Lansing, MI
Yes, this is a friendly debate. As far as the Hollywood sign trick, I said I could do it with no stooges and no dupes. That doesn't mean I could do it anytime, on the spot. There is some setup.

Scott what he is describing is more akin to having a stage set up. Which I think is perfectly fine. The line is crossed when stooges get involved, and I must admit that like Josh I could imagine a few ways to pull that off without stooges. None exactly practical for the average magician, but Dan White is not the average magician.
Jun 13, 2013
Well if its their legit signature on the card. So can I. Use Jay Sankey's method to get them to sign a card twice. Tell them to walk around the block, while they do that, stick the card to the sign, then boom! When they come back, blah blah blah, finish the trick.
Aug 30, 2012
I love a good debate. The fact is that his thin air appearance that could only be done on tv is no different that Marco Tempest's projector magic. Its a medium through which he creates magic. And whether or not it was pointless is subjective to the person viewing it. I think that the show was a great change of pace from some of the other magic we have seen on t.v. Furthermore did you happen to see Magic Man which came on the same network just after Dan's show?


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I just finished watching it and I will say, no disrespect to Dan, but I was a bit disappointed as well. I know he posses WAY more talent than what he displayed.

My wife has seen me perform for over 14 years and she stopped watching the show because of how "staged" and preset up everything was. She picked up on the ring being borrowed from the farthest guy on the right, and immediately said "Isn't that just a borrowed himber ring?" I am in agreement with Scott that I was "hoping" for more of French Kiss with Smoke type effects which doesn't require footage to be edited out. She laughed at the Harry Potter book thing and said the same thing Scott did, A Harry Potter book wouldn't be on an end cap in the book store all by itself with other books the way it was set up.
I understand a lot of TV effects are staged with "friends" of magicians and camera crews but I was expecting to see more of Dan's sleight of hand talent. Maybe there will be more to come in the next few episodes. I will definitely continue to watch.
Jun 13, 2013
Also keep the stage magic on the stage. I love stage magic. When they try to pull it off on the street, its just to much crap.
Aug 30, 2012
Perhaps we are just of a different matter of opinion then. I also see reality TV being pretty awful garbage so..

And yes it really matters if he had stooges involved. There are two different types of lying in magic, one is deceptive, one is just straight up lying. Stooges are straight up lying. Saying to your audience, I have here a normal deck of cards, when it is not, is also straight up lying. Saying I'm putting this card into the middle of the pack and letting them suppose it is their card, that is deception. I personally have a problem with straight up lying, and attempt to avoid it. Sometimes.

It also matters because magicians in general are already being flamed for the likes of Chris Angel and that whole movement, I don't want to support anything that supports that style of magic. But again, I'm gonna have to see the special for myself before I judge.

I think the line between deception and straight up lying is something created by what I have heard described as "Magician's Guilt" we lie when we say we shuffle the deck or when we tell them there are only so many coins. So at some point our conscience gets the better of us and we take the pseudo high ground by not using gimmick decks or gaff coins or stooges in order to create magic that would otherwise be impossible. I respect your opinion and the fact that you stand by it as I do mine
Jun 13, 2013
I love a good debate. The fact is that his thin air appearance that could only be done on tv is no different that Marco Tempest's projector magic. Its a medium through which he creates magic. And whether or not it was pointless is subjective to the person viewing it. I think that the show was a great change of pace from some of the other magic we have seen on t.v. Furthermore did you happen to see Magic Man which came on the same network just after Dan's show?

Nope I was to disappointed to watch Magic Man. I figured more crap to watch.
Apr 6, 2011
Lansing, MI
Rick, not even necessarily sleight of hand but just some of his ingenuity. The guy has a hell of a reputation. I don't even know if I want to watch it to be honest. It doesn't sound like my cup of tea, and I definitely trust Rick's opinion. There is a reason that David Blaine consistently gets more respect than any other magician out there from laymen, and I think this is it right here. Admittedly his last special had some set ups and some pretty perfect multiple out situations, but you know that if you have a sit down with the guy your gonna be seeing at least a few of those perfect multiple outs actually get pulled off (because he has SO DAMN MANY).
Jun 13, 2013
I just finished watching it and I will say, no disrespect to Dan, but I was a bit disappointed as well. I know he posses WAY more talent than what he displayed.

My wife has seen me perform for over 14 years and she stopped watching the show because of how "staged" and preset up everything was. She picked up on the ring being borrowed from the farthest guy on the right, and immediately said "Isn't that just a borrowed himber ring?" I am in agreement with Scott that I was "hoping" for more of French Kiss with Smoke type effects which doesn't require footage to be edited out. She laughed at the Harry Potter book thing and said the same thing Scott did, A Harry Potter book wouldn't be on an end cap in the book store all by itself with other books the way it was set up.
I understand a lot of TV effects are staged with "friends" of magicians and camera crews but I was expecting to see more of Dan's sleight of hand talent. Maybe there will be more to come in the next few episodes. I will definitely continue to watch.
Thanks Rick! My wife the same!
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