Who would you say will be the next flourishing God?

Sep 1, 2007
Everyones said Jordan and Virtuoso.

But further down the line, I think these people also have what it takes to make a name for themselves.

Chis Hestnes
Jason Sol
Fiddling Steve

Sep 1, 2007
uhm, what about daniel madison? i mean he might not be a future god, because i think he already is one, just not as well known as the bucks. he's also on youtube btw ;-)
Sep 1, 2007
Worcester, UK
I dunno about Jordan Lapping *goes on youtube*

So What?

Watch Jordans Vids There Awesome Far Better Than Most. Virtuso's is Good also.

But the next 'God' May Not Have Even Picked Up A Deck Yet.

It Could Be You, You, You or Me (Haha). Who Knows It could even be your Unborn Son or Daughter. Who Knows.

But as it Stands, Virtuso as Flourishers.

Lapping as Much More.
Aug 31, 2007
I know someone whos dad works in computer editing and stuff. He told him about Virtuoso, with his dad ending up telling him that it is all fake and is sped up. I am not sure about it though.

Future god? Not sure, but anyone can do it.
Sep 1, 2007
Jordan, you are the one who inspire me the most. I can’t thank you enough for everything. What I have today is mainly because of you.

So if this topic is about ‘the next card magic God’, you definitely get my vote.

Back to topic, Kevin Ho.
I know someone whos dad works in computer editing and stuff. He told him about Virtuoso, with his dad ending up telling him that it is all fake and is sped up. I am not sure about it though.

Future god? Not sure, but anyone can do it.

i've been in cam sessions with several of these ppl and trust me the videos they put out are not sped up at all... they are as smooth and quick 1 on 1 as they are in the video.
Sep 1, 2007
Sydney, Australia
I know someone whos dad works in computer editing and stuff. He told him about Virtuoso, with his dad ending up telling him that it is all fake and is sped up. I am not sure about it though.

Future god? Not sure, but anyone can do it.

I'm pretty sure any 'outsider' to flourishing would think that the virts sped up their video. I used to think Brian Tudor sped up his videos, along with jordan lapping (that is before i knew how quick he actually was, and when u consider he practices for upwards of 10 hours a day, you could expect such results.). Three of the virtuoso members have been flourishing for like 3 years or more, so they're really fast and smooth. As I also said in a previous topic, laymen generally see things slower than we do, and moves can look like just a blur for some.
Sep 1, 2007
I'm pretty sure any 'outsider' to flourishing would think that the virts sped up their video. I used to think Brian Tudor sped up his videos, along with jordan lapping (that is before i knew how quick he actually was, and when u consider he practices for upwards of 10 hours a day, you could expect such results.). Three of the virtuoso members have been flourishing for like 3 years or more, so they're really fast and smooth. As I also said in a previous topic, laymen generally see things slower than we do, and moves can look like just a blur for some.

Obviously His Dad don't know anything about card flourishing! ;)
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