Witness Contest?

Sep 10, 2007
Sacramento, CA
I've been checking and rechecking source code, looking for hidden links, links hidden as images, and have even gone as far as to download the teaser .flv file and the podcast mp3's to see if any info was encrypted into them as file info. I'm so completely lost.
I've been checking and rechecking source code, looking for hidden links, links hidden as images, and have even gone as far as to download the teaser .flv file and the podcast mp3's to see if any info was encrypted into them as file info. I'm so completely lost.

You've pretty much got it, just go back in the topic and look around and you'll find the source of your problem. Good luck and, Cerca Trova.

Sep 10, 2007
Sacramento, CA
O... M... G... I feel so dumb right now. I thought about it all. Gave every another run through. Found it. Why can't I look at thing plainly... I'll probably never Wynn anything at this rate.
O... M... G... I feel so dumb right now. I thought about it all. Gave every another run through. Found it. Why can't I look at thing plainly... I'll probably never Wynn anything at this rate.

There's still a while to go my friend you could still win. I see your getting use to using hidden messages as well lol. It isn't as hard as you might think which some people found annoying. I just thought about the whatistheory11 stuff and then went from there. Some people are over-analyzing it way to much and it's rather funny to be quite totally honest.

Sep 10, 2007
Sacramento, CA
I'm kind of a script-kiddy and over analyse code whether it be C+, ASM/I, PHP, or Html purely out of habbit. I can never look at the obvious. T11 is going to be a challenge for me in the future if contests are going to be a commonly occurring thing. And I can't help but laugh along side with you on how easy these things may be.
Sep 1, 2007
I am giving up on looking for the contest page

I am clueless...

it is over...

for people who haven't got the hint, I already have and...



Elite Member
Sep 11, 2007
Houston TX
I feel like crying cuz my head hurts and i have never been diz clueless confused in my life i have no clue im lost ive been searching like for 5 hrs and nothing i guess im just really dumb lol
Sep 1, 2007
I've found the first hidden page for three days now, but I still dont' know how to get to the second page. Yes, I've looked at hte source code and stuff. Can't find anything. I'm not so much of a computer whiz.
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