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Sep 29, 2007
i was on a boat to go to a football game.On the boat all of my teamates were playing cards so I decided to show them some tricks i did a couple of tricks with my ghost deck and some gaffs then decided to take out my vipers (for loops) the biggeset kid on the team came over and said for me to do a trick to him.i did a simple card transpo and he absolutly freaked out he started cryng.
-thanks eli
Sep 6, 2007
I do a card trick where I **** up a hard floursh droping all the cards on the ground.

I was tricking out for a group of skateboarders doing some arm spreads and deck twirls, I ended with behind the back ribbon drop, I drop half the deck on the ground and some of them started to laugh, so I said pick one. They did and I told them to look at the bill borad behind them. They freaked out it was the same number the sign was red. I didn't even need to give them the suit. They picked all my cards up and gave me a tip.

That was cool.
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