From most polished to least polished Clipshift, cherry control, witchita slip,Ernest Earicks one handed convincing control, cascade control, modified hammon count used to count cards in elmsley cound position, svengalli control
my most polished sleights in random order:double lifts ( i use many different ones),spread pass ,herman shift,Ortiz shift ,Turnover pass (i am talking about the one found on d+M's note ONE which is not a pass/shift),gambler's cop and the slip force
most polished would probably be classic force or top and bottom palms, both two handed and one handed. also working on DT. as always working on different doubles and experimenting with what works the best. im never really happy with my classic pass but whoever is. spread pass is good and my clipshift is dang near silent now so im happy with those. Working on some harder stuff with a long list. one at a time i guess.
I think my Erdnase color change is probably my most polished sleight. My clipshift is getting near perfect. I've been working on it for everyday now for the last two months.