I was performing for a little kid of grade 7 ... I was having a break from my work; so I went outside and asked a kid if I can show him something.
I let him pick a card, put it back in the deck and control it to the top. As I was about to begin the effect, he asked to shuffle the deck (this kid was extremely skeptical...).
I didn't have any excuse for not letting him shuffle the deck, so I said:
" Alright, you know what? We'll start this all over again and we'll make it as fair as possible; you'll pick another card and this time you'll shuffle the deck after you put the card in. Good Enough? "
This time, I planned to force a card...in that way, the kid can shuffle as much as he wants since I already know which card he took. So I forced the card to him...BUT by the time he put the card back to the deck, he suddenly dragged a radom card out and said:
" I changed my mind, I'll pick this one instead!"
I was really frustrated
; I didn't want to continue to perform for this kid anymore. So I just said: " You know what? I 'll have to get back to work (and it was true indeed)."
That was my worst performance ...