Zandman Book Test - What to Expect?

Davis West

Elite Member
Dec 26, 2013
I have considered purchasing the Zandman Book Test. I just have a few questions.

They say that the book can be examined, but does it mean that it's gimmicked? Is it similar in any way to the MOABT principle or the same principle used in the Glance Magazine Test? Can the spectator also read any page?

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
I have considered purchasing the Zandman Book Test. I just have a few questions.

They say that the book can be examined, but does it mean that it's gimmicked? Is it similar in any way to the MOABT principle or the same principle used in the Glance Magazine Test? Can the spectator also read any page?

The books are gimmicked, but in such a way that your spectator won't be able to spot anything unusual with the books. It is incredibly simple and super clever!

I'm no mentalist and am not familiar with MOABT or the Glance Magazine Test, so I defer to someone else there.

The spectator can stop on any page in the book, and can change their mind as many times as they like. The moment they settle on a page, you have their word.

I am biased (working for theory11), but I highly recommend this one.

// L
Thank you for your reply Lyle my copy arrived today from Darren Robinson from Warped magic here in the UK and after looking thoroughly through the book I did see that but not overly noticeable !

I look forward to performing this and must get the Gatsby version to make use of the bonus effect !!

Dr Rob
Aug 8, 2018
I may be late to the party but I received my copy of Sherlock today and you can expect awesomeness.. I've been blowing everyone's mind at work alllllll day .. I work as deskside support so I talk to someone new every couple minutes . Everyone's mind melted when I did this trick along with some others from the video vault here .. hehehe beyond worth it .. you'll get a video that explains how to do this and within 5 mins you are a freaking mentalist .. the second trick will take a little more practice but will be even more awesome once performed . If you haven't bought it , just but it and getthe second book. I'm regretting not getting both and now having to pay more shipping and wait more time lol .
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