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  1. J

    Any good books?

    By forces unseen and drawing room deceptions are two incredible book. Yes, they are hard but they have amazing effects and you will be surprised that you will end up actually performing some. Also, they are so much fun to practice and will keep you busy for quite a time.
  2. J

    Ignis Fatuus

    Wow:eek:, I must say that this is a great colour change that you've got and you perform it very well (you could submit this to theory 11 for a 1on1:D). I don't like the version wihtout the hand covering the deck but it is still great. Just a final tought, I think it would maybe look really good...
  3. J

    No flourishing at the dinner table.

    I just got schooled about homescholl lol.
  4. J

    How do you afford it?

    I think that poker is the logicall way to get money for card magicians.;)
  5. J

    Deck production and vanish

    Wow, the last thread should give you more info than needed but I would like to point out the four ace trick on D+M's dangerous contains a pretty nice deck vanish with what I would call "built in" misdirection
  6. J

    Best Cardini I've ever done

    Good thing that we write comments because I am speechless!!!
  7. J

    Piece of advise on cheating

    Karl Fulve's faro and riffle technique (hard to find) or you can learn it by yourself. Both ways will take you years, but it worths it :D
  8. J

    No flourishing at the dinner table.

    * Absolutly no-link-to-the-thread Alert* What is it like to be home schooled? Where is the fun, the girls, the drama, the sport teams and the party?
  9. J

    Piece of advise on cheating

    riffle stacking is the real deal, worth every single years you will spend learning it but if you do gambling demonstrations my advice would be to just pre-stack that bad boy and false shuffle it.
  10. J

    New ground-breaking method for TK

    Not my style but man it was sweet and clean I love it !!!
  11. J

    Twisting the Aces?

    Scarne's cut to the aces is what one could call a journey as it is really what it is; stacking the aces wile shuffling from a shuffled deck. Check Out Karl Fulve's books and good luck with the next 15 years of your life.
  12. J


    What could be great is to put a quarter on the card and then, when you "explain" the trick afterwards do Ed Marlo's impossible change.
  13. J

    Help with a party...

    What a coincidence!!! I just did one like two weeks ago!!! I weared a godfather style hat and a white Tony Montana style suit :p. The old school gangster style always goes well with magic in my opinion.
  14. J

    Weirdest things you carry?

    I always have a deck of card and an extra pair of shoes (in cas someones chalenge me to a game of poker and then a basketball game). I also have an old picture of my grand father doing a fan in my wallet.
  15. J

    Magic Dance Routine

    Progressively making the dancers disappear could lead to a cool dance solo and a visual grand finale of your choice!!!
  16. J

    Gambling Sleights DVD?

    That's cool, in that case I think Darwin on card cheating your the best bet (no pun intended :))
  17. J

    Gambling Sleights DVD?

    Darwin Ortiz on card cheating is a great DVD, but I would strongly recommend that you buy or dust off a copy of the classic book the expert at the card table, I admit that it is not as visual as a DVD, but it is way cheaper, ( I got a new one for a friend for 10$) and 70% on the stuff that is...
  18. J


    It is S'IL VOUS PLAIT; I didn't only slap my forehead, I banged it against my computer screen and needed to buy a new one :p. Just kidding, two years ago I could only say: yes no Toaster and ketchup if I was on a hot streak so your french is not that bad :D
  19. J


    Hi everybody at Theory 11, I just created an account and I though I should introduce myself. I am guy who just spend to much time with a deck of card in his hands. I learned gambling sleights and perfected them for about 10 years and now I decided that it was time to make a move into magic. I...
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