Search results

  1. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - Card Lotto!

    Card 1: 3 of Clubs Card 2: Jack of Diamonds Card 1: 10 of Diamonds Card 2: 5 of Hearts
  2. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - Provision Card Lotto!

    Card 1: 3 of diamonds Card 2: 8 of clubs Card 1: Jack of clubs Card 2: Nine of hearts
  3. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - In Action!

    I think this happened because Casey has done this contest before, last year and he probably just copied and pasted it.
  4. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - Magician Impersonation!
  5. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - Card Lotto!

    Card 1: 10 of Diamonds Card 2: Jack of Spades Card 1: 3 of Spades Card 2: Nine of Hearts
  6. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - Color Changing!

    Very nice! Good luck to everyone!
  7. Weeping Angel

    Best Decks to Practice

    They're Bicycle and I have many of them from Costco. Probably the best price you'll find in the U.S.
  8. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - Seeing Green

    I don't have an IG good luck to all of you!
  9. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - Guess The Cards!

    Card 1: Jack of Diamonds Card 2: Three of Diamonds Card 1: Nine of Clubs Card 2: Six of Hearts
  10. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - Super Bowl 53!

    Winner: Los Angeles Rams Score: 28-25 Winner: New England Patriots Score: 30-21
  11. Weeping Angel

    I’m BAD

    I had a similar problem with my dad and considered quitting magic. What I would recommend, since your mom has seen several of your tricks now, is to find something new and powerful, and practice it more before showing it to ANYBODY.
  12. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - Which Hand?

    left left left right left right right
  13. Weeping Angel

    What are the best IT's/gimmicks in the market?

    Hey this is kind of unrelated but can someone tell me what ITR/IT/EIT stands for? I'm not really sure. Thanks!
  14. Weeping Angel

    Deceptive Practice movie thoughts

    Rest in Peace Ricky :(
  15. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - Resolutions For 2019

    This past year I performed a full show for my family during vacation. I also built up my playing card collection (now almost 30 decks). This was a fun year, I purchased some new tricks, and overall learned a lot. In 2019, I hope to learn some new visual magic, film at least one street magic...
  16. Weeping Angel

    loss in interest for magic

    *Shin LIM
  17. Weeping Angel

    Does anyone know where I can learn more color Changes?

    Nice video! There are many YouTube tutorials out there. I recommend the Bertram change, that one's my favorite.
  18. Weeping Angel

    The Wheel: Day #3

    I got a no reward :(
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