Search results

  1. Weeping Angel

    Wanting to try my hand at Cardistry

    CWhite I see you man
  2. Weeping Angel

    Make a magician mad using a joke

    What do you call a magician that hates to practice? A mentalist.;)
  3. Weeping Angel


    I understand completely. People take magic the wrong way when they think they are doing it right. I see examples of this all over the internet and world.
  4. Weeping Angel

    What's a trick you hate doing but your audience loves?

    The Tabled Ace Production is really flashy, but gets tedious after a few hundred times (:mad::mad:)
  5. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - World Cup Final

    France 4-2 im too late though I think
  6. Weeping Angel

    Custom cards

    With USPCC I believe you can only print larger quantities, so if you are looking for <100, try
  7. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - 4th of July!

    10 of Spades Ace of Diamonds 9 of Spades 2 of Diamonds
  8. Weeping Angel

    Red High Victorian cards??

    I saw these at target yesterday and I looked at T11's website, but they aren't there! Strange... I might go back and pick them up soon.
  9. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - Found In Nature

    Congrats Peter!
  10. Weeping Angel

    Starting a YouTube Channel

    I love finding in-depth tutorials on YouTube. I recommend only starting a YouTube channel if you have a good personality and are very good at magic. I'm sure you are, but still...
  11. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - Book Magic

    Good Luck to all!
  12. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - Cross Country

    Lansing, Michigan San Diego, California Honolulu Hawai'i
  13. Weeping Angel

    Things you can say about your deck of cards...... But not your best friend

    "I also own some exceptionally rare ones!" :p
  14. Weeping Angel

    Tricks with marked decks

  15. Weeping Angel

    Should I open my Gold Monarchs?

    Deep, man. Thanks.
  16. Weeping Angel

    Tricks with marked decks

    Thanks, I'll look at them.
  17. Weeping Angel

    Variations of Monarchs?

    Hey WyattSB I found a photo of them: Hope that helps!
  18. Weeping Angel

    Tricks with marked decks

    Hi, I'm looking for some tricks I can perform with a marked deck of cards. I recently picked up the Madison dealers and was looking for a trick I could use at anytime, with no preparation except the marked deck. I would like a free tutorial if you can find one. Thanks!
  19. Weeping Angel

    Marked Deck

    Anybody know any good card tricks with a marked deck?
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