Search results

  1. Weeping Angel

    Should I open my Gold Monarchs?

    I did open them, but yeah, then I put 'em in my card drawer to look at every day.
  2. Weeping Angel

    Should I open my Gold Monarchs?

    Ok I opened them. Never touching them again.
  3. Weeping Angel

    Magic Memorabilia

    I recommend an original edition of Expert at the Card Table, some rare David Blaine posters, Cards as weapons (just because it is a joke) and some Jean Hugard.
  4. Weeping Angel

    Should I open my Gold Monarchs?

    I recently came across a deck of Gold Monarchs for winning a SNC on Theory11. Should I open it and use it, or sell it, or otherwise?
  5. Weeping Angel

    If you had to share one powerful card effect to a beginner, what would it be?

    I would learn the double lift and do ambitious card.
  6. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - March Madness

    Thanks! This is my first SNC win ever!
  7. Weeping Angel

    Practice Cards

    Those all sound great, thanks so much!
  8. Weeping Angel

    Practice Cards

    Hi, I wanted some nice, not fancy playing cards for practicing card magic. I currently use modern STUDs, but they're getting worn out and I can't find as good quality anywhere else. Any recommendations?
  9. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - March Madness

    Please ignore that one. Was a mistake. I can't delete it now. Darn! Villanova 79-67
  10. Weeping Angel

    Best Card Magic Book/Video series with no sleight skills?

    I reccommend "How to do Miracle Card Tricks" by Ellusionist. I think it's about. $25 and is great for beginners in card magic!
  11. Weeping Angel

    I lost my elite points!

    Everything is all right now. Thanks to the support team and Jonathan Bayme!
  12. Weeping Angel

    I lost my elite points!

    Thank you so much! I will do so right away!
  13. Weeping Angel

    I lost my elite points!

    I wanted to see the final price if I redeemed my elite points for a product, but I got the code, and I didn't intend to use it, and my elite points are gone! Someone please help me. I had 995 elite points, and I don't intend to use the code.
  14. Weeping Angel

    Deck Recommendation?

    Meh. Try Bicycle Aurora or Pressers.
  15. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - St. Patrick's Day Lotto!

    Card 1: 7 of Clubs Card 2: Jack of Diamonds Card 1: Ace of Hearts Card 2: Queen of Clubs
  16. Weeping Angel

    Saturday Night Contest - 100k!

    Congratulations Faizpardesi!
  17. Weeping Angel

    First try at custom playing cards . . .

    I love the feathery, flowing design, but I would change the name. Sounds a bit too corny for my taste.
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