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  1. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest - Holiday Magic!

    The box to one of my gifts I’m giving this year was a bit small and bland, so I thought I’d add a bow and some magic to add some flair
  2. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest - Return of the Holiday Wheel!

    I would love to get gift cards for sure!
  3. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest - Impossible Snapshot! Even tho this isn’t an impossible action, I still felt I captured something impossible. I always like creating impossible objects and I’ve been into Card gaffing for a while now. I just made these double indexed queens the other day...
  4. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest - Your Favorite!

    my favorite at the moment are the Derren Brown cards right here at Theory11. After winning a few contests I've gotten a good collection of them. I now use them to perform when out for fun and make tons of gimmicks with them.
  5. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest: SUNDAY Edition! (FINALLY)

    I recently glued some of those old cards together to create a small packet. I taped that packet to the inside of one of my card boxes for the trick Cinemental. This is because the cards given for the effect don't completely fill up the box and would rattle around. Adding these extra cards stops...
  6. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest - Create A Trick!

    This trick is a different presentation to another trick that I absolutely love.
  7. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest - Luck of the Draw!

    The classic blue monarchs
  8. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest - Memorial Day

    2 of Clubs Ace of Diamonds 7 of Clubs 10 of Clubs
  9. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest - Magic Moment!

    I love nothing more than the big reveal of the name a spectator was thinking of. At this performance, I was performing Bob Cassidy's Name and Place routine. I love the sucker punch ending of revealing that I know the burnt word!
  10. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest - Guess The Cards!

    Card 1: King of Clubs Card 2: 5 of Spades Card 1: 9 of Diamonds Card 2: 2 of Diamonds
  11. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest - Natural Magic! A personal favorite of mine, turning an apple into an apple, recycling the magic way!
  12. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest - Variety Box!

    Fell in love with the Derren Brown cards after getting a few. They've become a deck I love to perform with and make gimmicks out of so I'd stock up on those for sure. But I have to thrown in a Harry Potter deck for my childhood.
  13. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest - Coin Toss!

    Heads Heads Heads Heads Heads Tails
  14. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest - Card Lotto!

    Card 1: 7 Spades Card 2: 4 Hearts Card 1: King Hearts Card 2: Ace Hearts
  15. Davis West

    Saturday Night Contest - Super Bowl!

    Winner: Bengals Score: 31 - 20 Winner: Rams Score: 14 - 3
  16. Davis West

    IT Question

    I also have had a strong interest in the new spider pen x, but I’m pretty sure it won’t accomplish what I’m looking for. Isn’t it only primarily used as an anchor for IT?
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