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    A funny thing that happened to me last friday

    Sorry for any spelling mistakes
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    A funny thing that happened to me last friday

    This is something that happened to me last friday. So I was competing on the junior (under 18 years old) national Championship of magic under the categorie of card magic. Now I was doing the routine that I had been working on, trained and perfected infront of about a hundred magicians, and...
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    Confession of magicians

    I used to love sansmind trailers and watched the same trailers a bunch of times
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    Confession of magicians

    When I got started on magic I learnt a lot from Evan Era
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    Kid's Birthday Advice

    A tip I would give you is to always be entertaining and do something,because the kids get bored if you are not doing something continously, so while your taking out your props you can speak or entertain them in some kind of way so they don't get bored.
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    Saturday Night Contest - Cross Country

    Erlanger, Kentucky Cincinnati, Ohio San Diego, California
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    Entire deck spin ???

    Could you say who did it?
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    Stars of Magic

    Its a very good book but a little hard to understand.
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    Card to?

    If my cards are clean I like to perform card to mouth ,because spectetors find it very Amazing when something happens in front of their nose
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    So...Illustrated Compendium of Magic Tricks and Tricks of the Mind...

    The hypnosis chapter in tricks of the mind is pretty good, gives you some basic information about the history of hypnosis. I would also keep an Eye on the 'how to memorize the order of a deck of cards' gives you a good idea of a powerful effect with a stacked deck,
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    'The dance' by Brad Hederson (I might be wrong with the name) has a lot of good theory of Cold Reading in it, however if you are going to get it you need to have a basic understanding of Cold Reading, but it has some great advice and I highly recomend it.
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    Rope magic books/dvds ?

    Thankyou all for the help!
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    Rope magic books/dvds ?

    sorry ment 'buy' not 'by'
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    Rope magic books/dvds ?

    So, I might by a long rope to be able to do rope magic, however I was wondering if there is any good rope magic books/dvds?
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    Saturday Night Contest - St. Patrick's Day Lotto!

    Card 1: 7 of Hearts Card 2: 4 of clubs Card 1: Jack of spades Card 2: 7 of clubs
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    What caused this face?

    He dropped his cards at class
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    What caused this face?

    I meant: He realized he had faro shuffled his stripper deck
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    What caused this face?

    He realized he had faro shuffled his svengali deck
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    mentalism question and Daniel fernandez's card trick

    But its just a short chapter un the book, I am sure there are better sources
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