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  1. S

    mentalism question and Daniel fernandez's card trick

    You can learn some drawing duplications in Banacheks book Psychlogical subtleties 1
  2. S

    Recommendations for loops ???

    I used to use loops before and through my experiencie I would recomend you to use the lower priced ones. One thing to to have in mind os that when you begin with loops they will snap, how careful you even are,I managed to snap all the loops in my first packet of loops (there were 8 in the one I...
  3. S

    Spectator guesses the right method

    It depenends what kind of spectator it is. He a could be good spectator that happened to guess the method, or he could be a heckler that guessed it. Its easy to see there intention, for example, a heckler would 'guess' the method usually, scream, for example, 'HE HAS TO CARDS! out loud, while a...
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    Multiple ways to achieve same thing...

    For the coin issue I would train with the largest coin in your country. When you have just begun with coin magic I wouldn't bother on spending money on halv dollars yet. When I got started in magic I had to also use a coin that was heavyer and smaller than a halv dollar, and I understand it can...
  5. S

    Multiple ways to achieve same thing...

    it depends. For example, as you said you want to do is to make a coin appear from the spectators ear. What I would do (it works for me, however I am not saying it will work with everyone) is to firstly decide how you want the hand to look. Do you want to make it look natural? do you want to make...
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    Looking for a crew in spain or around the world for cardistry :D

    Hello! I am from Madrid however sadly I don´t live there, however I go there to visit my family quite a few times (by the way I can speak fluent Spanish). To be honest I have only been doing cardistry for a year and I am more of a magician, however I have created a few cardistry moves. Also I am...
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    Cardistry Books still avaliable

    So I know that there is problaby a similar thread like this one, however I was wondering if it is still possible to get the book 'cardistry from time to time' by Oliver Sogard without having to download an illegal pdf from internet?
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