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  1. L

    give me some ideas(gimmicks)

    or can i buy some dvd's teaching magic containing gimmicks too? because i ahve seen hay sankey's work and im a little bid impressed too. but i dont like so much coin magic !
  2. L

    give me some ideas(gimmicks)

    hello im new here in magic i have playing cards i have spongeballs the basics generally tiny finger, flash paper,threads im creating them by my self and thubs thumb writter, ballons, biting quarter, nests of wallets acn you suggest me some gimmicks that may be important but i dont know im very...
  3. L

    Card Prediction with Numbers on the Backs of Cards

    Thank you Man because i really wanna leran this effect because i may perform it in the near future!
  4. L

    Card Prediction with Numbers on the Backs of Cards

    3:05 ΜΑΝ thanks for answer em
  5. L

    Card Prediction with Numbers on the Backs of Cards

    Hello guys i want to know if sb knows who this trick is called is a trick that you pay to get?from a single dvd? or you can find it in a book ?? check it out i mean especially this trick :
  6. L

    Easy magic

    Hello everyone is there any way to learn the effects of a book without reading any of them in other worlds can sb be a magician without reading books. for example im a 14 magician and i only learn from youtube can sb do it a job or a second-job without reading any books?
  7. L


    Thank you!
  8. L


    Can i start with principia mentalia i have hear thats a good one too! As an expert whats the best to start with? thats whats what i want you to tell me and explain me the reason behind why to read the specific book you will tell me!
  9. L


    Sorry for that do be truth i havent read the rules but if i will read these books i will learn something i will be able to perform some good stuff? or it will be a waste of time ?
  10. L


    Also guys if you could sent me some good quality pdfs mostly for the 13 steps to mentalism by corinda because with the other one i am ok
  11. L


    Guys i wanna start mentalism which book should i read first 13 steps to mentalism by Corinda OR annemann practical mental magic also is there a better book for a start.Will i l learn from these books good effects it will worth the time i will spend reading them?
  12. L

    Possibility of picking, and forcing ways

    so first of all thanks for all secondly can u be more specific to a book for a start but i am mostly looking for effects and not theory i am bored reading a whole book i jusrt wwnt learning practicing and performing with putting mine personality in it thanks for all
  13. L

    Possibility of picking, and forcing ways

    I am a beginner right, i would love you to give some more information about this if you can and i wanna learn some of this.So if you could be more specific to a book or a link or smthing it would help me a lot also i would love to do the same thing im telling you but with playing cards too!
  14. L

    Possibility of picking, and forcing ways

    where can i find more of these like 1-10 but for mor Where i can find these resources working with not only with numbers but with playing cards too!
  15. L

    Chris Ramsay behind your back trick

    Maybe you are talking about that onee?
  16. L

    Chris Ramsay behind your back trick

    I think you are talking about this!
  17. L

    Possibility of picking, and forcing ways

    So guys i wanna ask you if you can tell me the possibilities for each option,for what i know for example i know that if you ask somebody think a number between 1-10 the most possible answer they will give is 10 so do you you know any others? for example for 1-52 1-20 and others and also there...
  18. L


    it must awesome to expericience something like that right?
  19. L

    Making people hear noises

    guys check it out at tje 3 58 to 4 00 of the clip u can clearly see it pointing her reveal the card
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