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  1. C

    Heckler Killers

    Fighting with a heckler is like wrestling with a pig in a mud puddle - you both get dirty and the pig likes it. A dear friend of mine always says, "when confronted by hostility, NICE them to death." Meaning, that the more aggressive they become, the nicer you have to be. Do what you can to...
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    Bardic Magic

    Having done almost 10 years as the official magician at Medieval Times in Schaumburg, IL (a long time ago, I admit), some effects that come to mind for Bardic Magic would include Fl!pStick, the cups and balls, of course, or the Chop Cup, if space on the table is limited, coins across...
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    Book Recommendation

    Strong Magic by Darwin Ortiz. Not much on tricks, but excellent info on performance and structure.
  4. C

    What do you think about marked cards?

    It depends on what *kind* of marked deck you want/need. Do you need a deck that gives you the number and suit only? Number, suit and position in the stack? Suit only? Red/Black only? For suit only and Red/Black markers, you can use shading (use a Sharpie and smear it slightly) using...
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    Looking for some quotes from Magicians

    "Honest to goodness, I only cheat a little." - Max Malini "Magic is larceny made socially acceptable." - Sid Fleischman (one of my favorite quotes) "The hand is quicker than the eye - and the first guy who said that had a black eye to prove it." - source unknown
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    Deck swapping

    Roberto Giobbi has a whole book dedicated to deck switching. Highly recommended as it also comes with a DVD showing him doing several of the techniques.
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    Dealing with "inquisitive" spectator

    The one time this happened to me, I simply turned to the left and asked, "would you like to see my right side as well? It's pretty much the same." The crowd laughed and I continued with the trick. In all seriousness, though, just playing through and not hearing" the challenge is a good way to...
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    Any advice on performing to people in bars?

    One line that works, but only if you have been employed BY the bar, is "Good evening, I'm the house magician and don't worry, I actually DO work here." It usually gets a laugh and lets the table know that you actually work there and are not some psycho rando trying to horn in on their evening...
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