What do you think about marked cards?

Aug 14, 2020
I would like to know how to mark a deck especially (Bee Standard). What books or videos can you recommend on this topic? How do I mark a map with a single line so that the placemark is visible at a distance?
Thank you for your attention!
May 11, 2017
Ukraine, Odessa
a lot.. Steve Forte, David Malek, Mike Joseph, and many others.. you would need your own research and a journey through this gambling world probably and something more than a couple sources from forum.. so just a place to began with.
Sep 20, 2009
My answer is the same as the other similar topic, I believe that designer Cards should have Marks designed into it
Aug 9, 2018
I think a combination of adding and removing from the back design gives you the best personalized marking system, but it takes time to come up with and to actually execute. I confess that I’m lazy and no longer do this. The DMC elites are pricey but a great reader deck. Penguin also does a very nice and much cheaper deck available in red and blue. They’re not as legible from a distance and are more blatant but I’ve never had anyone pick up on them when I’ve used them. Whether you make you own or use one with marks designed in you WILL have to practice with reading the marks so you don’t get caught. Once you are proficient with your deck, treat them like they’re not marked and your audience will never have reason to suspect they’re anything but normal.
Mar 20, 2025
It depends on what *kind* of marked deck you want/need. Do you need a deck that gives you the number and suit only? Number, suit and position in the stack? Suit only? Red/Black only?

For suit only and Red/Black markers, you can use shading (use a Sharpie and smear it slightly) using something near the corner, but not at the corner to throw off the eye. Bee decks are a bit difficult to use since the design is really only open to minute markings, which, for.a guy with not-so-great eyesight (like me) it can be a challenge to read them and almost impossible to read them when using a gaffed blindfold or blindfold peek.

There's lots that you can do with these more limited marking systems and I leave that to your imagination.
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