Bardic Magic

Dec 19, 2019
This is my first post, so if its in the wrong spot, please correct me.

Short BIO: I have been a member of a Live Action Role Play group for several years. Recently my character has started the role of the "village bard." Usually we just tell stories, sing songs, tell jokes, etc. I have decided to bring simple illusions and magic tricks to the table. I want to use simple things like card magic, coin magic, and maybe a few other things that could be "period authentic." I plan to mostly start with the younger members of the group, so simplicity (While not necessary) will help. Any advice on tricks to learn...mostly focused on card magic... are greatly appreciated.


Elite Member
Aug 5, 2017
WA state USA
BoBo's Modern Coin Magic costs between 6 and 10 bucks for an e book or paperback, but that edition lacks some chapters containing routines found in the hardcover version. The hardcover is 45ish I think....

Royal Road to Card Magic is also cheap book (under 10$) thats recommended often as a place to start.

Both of those books give some older routines from midish 1800's up to their print dates but there is some very useful stuff in there still. Dunbury Delusion is an easy one for most people out of RRTCM but I am at a loss for what routines to offer without knowing your skill level or what "period" you are looking at.

To that end I would think some of the props would be a focus for your character. An ordinary deck of bikes would likely look out of place. Pretty sure you can find an older styled deck though via google search. This may limit the gaffs you have available to purchase.

Choice of coins as well for "period" specific at least. I imagine regular coins will do since even silver is likely to be off the time period... but you can buy cheap bulk from china of say Hogwarts coins etc. They look and feel like cheap bulk so up to you on that one. Sometimes coin shops have a bin of coins that are cheap for you to go through and you may find some workable coins there.

Rope magic would assurely be period acceptable I would think. Doesn't need a table and fits in your pocket...

Chop cup or cups and balls? Needs a table but will fit in any time period!
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Mar 20, 2025
Having done almost 10 years as the official magician at Medieval Times in Schaumburg, IL (a long time ago, I admit), some effects that come to mind for Bardic Magic would include Fl!pStick, the cups and balls, of course, or the Chop Cup, if space on the table is limited, coins across, copper/silver, expansion of texture, anything with Loops, coins through the table, even a mini Lota bowl could be used to produce a drink or five.... almost any PK effect would also work. Dr. Sawa had a routine using little plastic "piano keys" that he would drop onto the table, arrange them to look like a keyboard (8 notes only or so) and then push on the keys, one at a time and they would produce musical tones. Being a Bard, music is part of the job...
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