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    Is vanishing magic good to buy tricks from?

    I am really hoping they restock the British side of the company by Friday because the trick I was after went out of stock this morning
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    Is vanishing magic good to buy tricks from?

    Thank you all for your opinions and thoughts, I've got a few things in the basket ready for Friday to come around.
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    Is vanishing magic good to buy tricks from?

    I will most likely buy demon them next week, it's a trick by Joshua Jay and I've had my eye on it for a while so I plan on getting it before I lose the plot thinking about it thank you for your advice.
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    Is vanishing magic good to buy tricks from?

    Vanishing inc magic, thought I'd correct myself.
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    Is vanishing magic good to buy tricks from?

    Hello everyone, I'll keep it short this time. I'm thinking about buying a trick from this website in the coming week and I wanted everyones opinion (if you have used them before) on what they were like as far as service and whether the tricks came as described. I will do a bit more research...
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    Books/dvds about performance

    Firstly thank you all for your responses, i will look into them all as always. But as far as what @Jun.Hwang said at the end of his reply, yes you are semi correct. I know a few tricks and controls and for the most part I can do them without any sort of setting and i have started to adapt to...
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    Books/dvds about performance

    Hello everyone, now i can't think of the exact word so I'll apologise in advance if i don't explain myself properly. Now for a while I've been using this site and YouTube to learn about performance, now i don't mean how to do tricks as i have books to read that give me tricks i can learn, I'm...
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    Trick idea / combining trick elements

    Hello all, so I've been sat thinking a lot about trying to create a trick, now it's not something I've just come up with but it takes elements / ideas from a couple tricks that I've taken interest in and wish to learn. Just a basic overview of my idea uses the story trick (many stories but the...
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    First experience with someone approaching me.

    @DominusDolorum I probably didn't explain this properly which is something i struggle to do. What I meant by my comment was that for something that was impromptu like last night I had to think on my feet and it ended up being the most basic tricks that i know and can perform without...
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    First experience with someone approaching me.

    Hello all, it's been a little while since I've been on the forum, I've been trying to focus on learning tricks and looking at other areas of magic. But to the reason I'm here, about an hour ago i had my first experience with someone approaching me and i was happy with the outcome and genuinely...
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    Keeping focus / motivation whilst learning.

    That is a fair comment, i think that because I'm still technically new to this world I'm trying to learn anything and everything I can regardless of what it is and if i actually have an interest in it. Is there either a book or dvd that you can recommend i look for to learn the fundamentals of...
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    Keeping focus / motivation whilst learning.

    Ok then, I've never really thought about it before but now you've explained it i understand what you mean so thank you. I've not really paid a massive amount of attention to it, the only thing that i really noticed is Hypnosis (in different forms wheatear that be stage or college as I've seen...
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    Keeping focus / motivation whilst learning.

    @ChristopherT I've never really been able to explain myself properly so that doesn't really help me when I ask for advice. I'm not sure what correct terms to use are for these areas but in my head I know what I'm on about I just can't type for some reason. If you could help me understand what...
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    Keeping focus / motivation whilst learning.

    @Tmakabe I originally started learning a few basic / self working tricks for my brothers wedding which was last month, i only ended performing for one person in particular and they definitely enjoyed it, but now that i don't have something to work towards it feels like the motivation has gone...
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    Keeping focus / motivation whilst learning.

    Hello all. Now i know this is probably something a lot of you have gone through at one point when you started this journey which is why I'm asking here as there's more of people here that give honest and great advice then anywhere else i could ask. I have asked a lot of questions already and I...
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    Learning specific tricks

    @Antonio Diavolo at the moment I don't actually use false shuffles at the moment, i do know a couple but I'm not so confident in using them. The main thing with that trick is how it works. After you have mentioned using false shuffles i know that i can't just pull a pack of cards out of my...
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    Learning specific tricks

    Joshua jay performance Shawn farquhar performance, the trick i am on about is the first trick and starts at 40 seconds into the video And the last one is the bar story card trick @Hgagnon thank you for your reply i will check them out later. I have 10-11 books already which I will...
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    Learning specific tricks

    Hello all. I have been working my way through the books i have and i am enjoying what I'm learning, at some point i will have to write down what I have learnt so far so i don't end up performing the same tricks on the same person. But i am looking to learn a few specific tricks, now 2 of...
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    Best Tricks Under $10

    I like reading books and have a nice collection of them. But books on magic are something a lot different to normal books, as it's been mentioned above already, you don't have to read all magic books cover to cover. I have about 10-11 books that cover everything from self working card tricks...
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    Dealing with spectators.

    I get that, it's not something i would make a full routine out of it, I'm just interested to learn a couple so that when I get to the point I can perform a few tricks without any hiccups on my end i can do something that will throw people off or just generally confuse them
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