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  1. king louie

    Addict by Edo :: Worth It?

    Hello Boys and Girls I was just wondering if the trick Adict by Edo was worth the money and was really everything it says it is. it looks pretty insane! what our your thoughts on it? (if you have it)
  2. king louie

    Saturday Night Contest - Coming Soon : An Image Competition

    Heres mine not that much different but it looks pretty Boss.
  3. king louie

    7 Deadly Sins Project

    love the idea man
  4. king louie

    Saturday Night Contest - DG.LIVE - Symphony Questions

    5) where/when does creativity hit you the most. (the bathroom, playing with cards, coins, ect.) 6) which do you usually invent a trick by: A) accident B) think of something you want to do (put a cellphone in a balloon) and then find a way to do it C) discover a knew slight/secret that allows...
  5. king louie

    Saturday Night Contest - DG.LIVE - Symphony Questions

    1) what trick are you most proud of 2) when did you first start creating tricks 3) why do YOU like magic, what makes it different than anything else? 4) do you like cheese?
  6. king louie

    Saturday Night Contest - The 30 Second Challenge

    OH details, details.......................................I never realy saw that movie!
  7. king louie

    Saturday Night Contest - The 30 Second Challenge

    you look frikkin like harry poter!! Lol..........................................
  8. king louie


    quick question: can shudder be done on the ground? or does it have to be done on a table? thanks
  9. king louie

    Looking for a trick...

    ok i was looking for this trick i saw a really long time ago and was wondering if any one knew where to find it. ok here it is: magician shows all the cards to be different spec selects a card and returns it to the deck magician shuffles and then says the best way to shuffle is by...
  10. king louie

    DG in Las Vegas - Shot of the Set List

    thank you for they amazingly readable text on your arm!
  11. king louie


    hey i was just wondering if the bottle in bullet can be handed out with the coin still in it (in other words, do you have to take it out?) thanks
  12. king louie

    Deleting a thread?

    how do you delete a thread again? i forgot.
  13. king louie

    Burn By Daniel Madison

    DONT USE A CANDLE! a candle dosn't burn the card very well (it burns the wax) use a mach or a lightor (works for me)
  14. king louie

    nice well i know pandora is good and i will look up the other one

    nice well i know pandora is good and i will look up the other one
  15. king louie

    dude i just finished checking out your truth vid. its awsome! looking forward to psycho and...

    dude i just finished checking out your truth vid. its awsome! looking forward to psycho and advocate all hail, king louie
  16. king louie

    and you wock.

    and you wock.
  17. king louie

    random awesomness fo show!

    random awesomness fo show!
  18. king louie

    its going good.

    its going good.
  19. king louie

    you bet your big fancy bottom it is! actually its kinda both of us! me(J:G)and paul

    you bet your big fancy bottom it is! actually its kinda both of us! me(J:G)and paul
  20. king louie

    HOw It Going Jazz Boy! me No No much ingwish?

    HOw It Going Jazz Boy! me No No much ingwish?
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