
  1. mattstephens12

    I'm new to magic, any advice?

    I'm pretty new to magic and cardistry (about a month in). Now that I've got the basics (a clean double lift, a fast Sybil cut, a couple good forces and jumps) does anyone have any advice on how to move forward such as good tricks to learn or decks I need in my collection? Any tips would be great!
  2. M

    Magic Castle Audition Guidance

    Hello! I am 16 years old, and I have been practicing magic on and off ever since I was a kid. It has always captured my attention, and I just absolutely love magic. I've been back at it again for the past two or three years. I feel like it's just about time for me to audition for Magic Castle...
  3. S

    New to Mentalism. Looking for Experienced Advice

    I've been into magic for some time now, trying to find what type works for me. After about five or so years of experimenting with different genres, I.e., card, coin, general, etc., I'm at the point in my life where these just aren't my cup of tea anymore. I've been somewhat obsessed with trying...
  4. H

    hey guys i was just wondering, what are some good ways to practice tonys be kind change?

    hey guys, what are some ways I can practice the be kind change, im trying really hard, but my pinky doesn't have the strength
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