Here's one and YOU started the bashing.
Immaturity is bashing other people. Wisdom is helping them. You have done nothing but bash an idea. You have done nothing to help me and I AM getting aggravated. I'm aggravated by people who just bash everyone on these forums and do nothing in any way to help them. You haven'y explained your experiences and ideas. I think that would do more good than basically calling me an idiot. Where are your ideas. Where are your thoughts. Where are your experiences. I never said I was right. I was just giving an idea. If you would look I have NEVER once said anything mean spirited and have actually apologized for people taking it that way. The sarcasm came with your bashing.
Oh dear, oh dear.
My dear friend, perhaps you need to read my posts a little more carefully. I have never bashed your ideas; in fact if you really did read my posts, I actually supported them in a certain circumstance. Apparently, you missed that. I have not called you an idiot in any way; I merely stated that you
seem like one because of the tone of voice that you adopt towards anyone who disagrees with you.
I merely stated the irony of supporting a theory you've never tested. Your statements in light of the entire thread in context seem silly to me, and I'm not one to butter things up.
Being a juggler you should know that hecklers for different art forms cannot be compared to one another. I am an actor by profession; surely you should know that it is illogical to substitute juggling with magic. By all means, refer to your experience as a juggler; as a performer I respect that. Nonetheless there is a distinction between audiences for different types of entertainment, something I'm sure you're aware of. Essentially however, due to this distinction, your theory is, and remains, untested by you. Which is where my issue with all this started.
Now, address my post in its entirety, please. I simply asked that you consider the number of people who have posted for your idea, and the number who have posted against. Posting the one person who agreed with you, I must say, isn't particularly helpful.
I also asked you to clear up some contradictions in your previous posts, and you have not done so. Here's another one:
You stated you have never had hecklers during your magic. Then in your last post, you stated this:
I have had many in juggling. I have used the same thing for them too.
The word "too" suggests that you have in fact used this method for hecklers other than in juggling since it refers to something above and beyond the aforementioned context.
So which is it?
I have focussed my criticism on the fact that your posts have been contradictory and the fact that you support this theory whilst maintaining that you have never actually used it.
One should practice what he preaches, before he preaches what he practices.
I repeat, hecklers for juggling and any other performing arts are different from magic or theatre or any other performing art. A juggling heckler cannot say "You made a secret move." or "You flashed." due to the nature of the art.
Finally, if you really had read all my posts, you would've known that I chose not to give my own approach to hecklers because I've done so in multiple threads before. If you wish to do some proper research and find those out, be my guest. Again, rather than disagreeing (I fail to see how disagreeing is bashing... Stating that something is ridiculous is not bashing, it's an opinion. If I said the earth was a banana, that would be a ridiculous statement in most people's opinions, but it would not be bashing, despite being ridiculous) with your idea, I merely object to the untested nature of what I believe to be bad advice, in a public forum. The focus is not that I believe that it's bad advice, but rather that it's untested. You are, after all, entitled to your opinion.
@TheKingofCards, I agree about respecting ideas. I have even agreed to a certain point with jbear's ideas. Yes I disagree for the most part, but I did make an allowance in an earlier post for his ideas. But that is not the debate that I have put forward. I simply have a problem with offering an untested idea, and I have a problem with continuing contradictions.
I do disagree with you however that we should respect a ridiculous idea. I believe that we should respect one's right to hold a ridiculous idea (again, my issue is not that he has this idea, but that he's supporting it on a public forum without experience), but I also believe that it is well within our rights to challenge the notion which we believe to be ridiculous in the first place. Simply put, if someone believed that the Earth was in fact a banana, I would respect their right to have that notion, but I would challenge the actual notion.
I hope I made clear the distinctions I was trying to make.