Well supposedly magic cafe doesn't respond well to criticism. I hope this post doesn't get deleted. I'm done with magic cafe. Yes this is the original silent from magic cafe: Check out my response to Jay's post. Also, go to magic cafe and save Jay's response. No telling if he's going to delete it or have magic cafe pull the thread. Since then, the PS has been removed when they censored GD's comments.
Jay Sankey said:
"Hey Guys,
Hope you are all having a great day. Between spending time with my awesome wife Lisa and my two beautiful kids, performing at gigs, working on creative projects (and trying to get to the gym!) it has been a long time since I posted anything on the Café. And unfortunately, it still seems to be, largely, a place where people who -for the most part- have created very little, feel safe to criticize people who have created quite a lot. Stikes me as a strange way to spend your time, and I just don't see how it can be bringing many of you much joy or insight. But hey, 'each to his own' right?
As for 'SLYDER,' response has been OVER THE TOP. Thanks to the many of you who share my excitement about it. We've received HUNDREDS of pre-orders and even though we are no longer including all the bonus stuff, orders are STILL pouring-in. As for the clips themselves, they are most definitely NOT 'ordinary
clips.' Each hand-crafted clip is custom-designed to make the very most of a very versatile and extremely deceptive principle. Second, including 2 booklets, a second hand-crafted clip AND a bonus trick ('Private Property') with the 'SLYDER' pre-orders, all for JUST $40 was a GREAT deal. Killer value. I know it, and the hundreds of excited people who ordered 'SLYDER' know it too.
Thx for reading these words, and if you would like to get in touch with me directly, please send an email to
contact@sankeymagic.com. Unlike far too many people in our community, I still personally answer the vast majority of my own emails because I don't take fans of my work for granted. Never have, never will. I sure hope you all have a nice day. Sincerely, Jay "
My response (which was mysteriously deleted)
I don't know if this post is going to get deleted for "flaming." Just in case, it is being saved. I've also created the username "SilentAgain" on the theory11 forums, just in case I'm deemed too critical.
Let me play devil's advocate here: I don't know if GospelDan is lying or not. I don't know if Jay is lying or not. I haven't seen GospelDan's legal documents or met with his lawyer. Neither do I work for Jay or personally read through his emails.
But let's return to reality. I am more willing to believe GospelDan because he can provide me with concrete evidence that a legal battle is currently underway. The only evidence I can obtain from Jay (legal proceedings/customer service ignoring, etc) is if I worked for him. But hey, I will sway either way. Just convince me.
Isn't it funny that Jay accuses GospelDan of taking meds? Can anyone please confirm this? So GospelDan is apparently some wacko that is spreading lies against Jay? Oh wait, should I up my dosage of Prozac just because I have previously bashed your abysmal Bending the real product? What about the other posters who oppose your views Jay? I suppose they need to check in their local mental institution. My point is it's easy to accuse someone of being crazy without proof.
Just to cement to my readers, Jay can accuse GospelDan of taking meds. But really, where's the proof? Just because people don't see things your way, we're suddenly crazy, Jay? Wait a minute, this is your "proof" that GospelDan is crazy: You (Jay) have said that you haven't been getting calls from credit card companies or lawyers. I don't know if the former claim can ever be substantiated, but I'm fairly sure legal proceedings and BBB reports can be made public. I guess we'll see from here.
GospelDan's post on Jay's Slyder thread was removed. It detailed credit card companies red flagging Jay Sankey, as well as some other information I do not remember. I unfortunately did not save it. Both of my posts were also removed. Hooray for censorship.