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Aug 14, 2020
Hello! what kind of card game is this? What are the rules ?
3 cards are dealt, you can change the cards as in poker bets are made, and at the end the cards are revealed. According to the author's work (N. V. Gogol), they played Pharaoh (stoss) But I don't understand the rules. Please help me!

Video 25:42
Thank you for your attention, I hope I will understand this card game
Sep 1, 2007
Also, Bicycle sells the index-less deck of cards commonly used to play Faro.

Sep 1, 2007
Reviving this briefly because I came across an interesting paragraph on Denis Behr's database of conjuring credits while I was researching the Faro Shuffle. The original poster might find this information useful:

"The original purpose of the faro shuffle was to gain an advantage at the game of faro. To understand its usefulness, it helps to understand the game it was used in. A simplified look at faro is to think of it similar to roulette: Players bet on a value of card and hope that it comes up. The croupier deals out two cards: one winner, and one loser. If the player bet on the winning card, he doubles his money; if he bet on the losing card, he loses his bet; if he bet on any other card, he neither wins nor loses. The crucial detail is that if two of the same value come out as the winning and losing cards (e.g., two kings), the dealer takes half of the player's bet on that card. This “doublet” or “split” is the main house advantage, and it's where the faro shuffle is used to unscrupulously stack the odds in the house's favor. By keeping track of specific cards dealt into the winning and losing piles, the dealer will position them at the same positions in their respective halves. When the two packets are perfectly woven together, the pairs will align next to each other. The next time the cards are dealt, there will be more doublets than random chance would provide, making more money for the house. A secondary – and bolder – use of the shuffle was to stack the deck to target players who consistently bet on the same card. The dealer would secretly get all the cards of that value in one half of the deck before weaving the cards together. This would position the cards to always fall in the same pile – the losing pile. For more details on the game of faro, see The New Pocket Hoyle, 1807, p. 139, Jonathan Harrington Green's An Exposure of the Arts and Miseries of Gambling, 1843, p. 165, the anonymous A Grand Exposé of the Science of Gambling, 1860, p. 1 of the 2010 edition, and The Official World Encyclopedia of Sports and Games, 1979, p. 158."
Mar 15, 2018
Thanks for sharing that quote, Scott. A lot of people don't realize that the Faro Shuffle originates in the game of Faro. In fact, most people aren't even aware that Faro was at one time the most popular gambling game, prior to the arrival of Poker.

Here's a brief excerpt from an article I've written on the subject, entitled The Faro: A Card Shuffle and a Card Game

"Faro is a casino gambling game that originated in France in the late 17th century, and was a derivative of the gambling card game Basset (also known as Bassetta in Italian), also known as Barbacole and Hocca. The name was apparently first Pharaon, and was likely a reference to the Pharaoh picture on some French playing cards. It's not too difficult to surmise how this title later became Pharo, and eventually turned into Faro.

During the 18th century the card game of Faro was very popular in Europe. Faro was mentioned multiple times by 18th century Italian adventurer and writer Casanova in his autobiography. It also received mention in many important films, plays and novels, including Tolstoy's War and Peace. It eventually made its way to the United States, and was commonly played during the Gold Rush era, although by this time it had largely disappeared already from Europe. When gambling became legalized, Faro enjoyed great popularity in American casinos, with some even describing it as "the national card game". It appears to have been the main attraction at many gambling houses."

To the original poster: I've also included some links to the rules for playing Faro (which is what you originally asked) in the article.
Feb 12, 2022
the video's not available dude but I guess it's not hard to guess. It's probably just solitaire? Interesting fact about solitaire is that when it first came out, the government wanted to ban the game. According to them solitaire could be deemed to be extremely addicting (which is partly true if you ask me lol) and with the rising number of people betting on this game, it was slowly turning into an online casino. Regardless, I've been playing it for years and I don't plan on quitting soon haha
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