Cerca Trova Ideas

May 14, 2009
The power of magic

I think that there should be a topic about the power of magic and whether it is more powerful to do a routine with many so-so tricks or just one totallly astonishing, amazing, piece of magic.


Jul 7, 2009
I agree with Creeper, the self-doubt idea is good, we all have that feeling of "am I really ever going to become a Theory 11 artist?" form time to time.

Another good one is "Magic". Not the art, but the word in relation to the art. When ever I tell someone I know well that I do magic, or Im a magician, I can always tell what theire thinking, "Oh this kid is going to get out a magic wand and pull a bunny out of a hat, great...." . So I always hate intruducing myself as a magician, or saying that I do magic, because it gives off that bunny-out-of-a-hat vibe. I also HATE it when my brother says "oooo maaagic...." and widens his eyes and wiggles his fingers. Daniel Madision talks about this (not my brother, even though his name is daniel as well, but the first thing), and what he says is very intelligant, and I toattly agree with him. Every magician in the world should watch this video. Ill post a link at the end, or you could look it up cause its on theory11. Anyway, the best thing he says in this video is, "Magic is dead." and youll see why I agree completly when you watch this....


I also suggets watching the first on as well, "Daniel Madison Artist Manifesto" search it in the t11 search bar. They are both dead on, but I like #2 better.
I think it would be cool to have some mentalism effects on here. Maybe if someone got in contact with derren brown he could possibly help out? Just a thought.


This has been discussed before. And the formal anwser is no.
If you want to learn mentalism there are a lot of places that give it, you just have to move your behind a little bit.

I would like to put an idea on the table.
Lets talk about Different characters and how we feel about that and how has that helped us.

Sep 30, 2009
Elkhart, IN
One of my BIG things about being indulged in this art, is practicing.

We should start a thread about practicing, and how to do it effectively. If you practice something for 10 hours, but do it wrong, it'll leave you in a huge pickle. Yeah, the Kosher kind.

Lots of people (I used to be one of them) learn a trick, practice it for a little bit and say, "I got this." Then they screw it all up in front of everyone. A perfect example is those kids on YouTube.

This thread should help a lot. As a fellow trumpet player, I know practice makes perfect, but only if you do it right.

Thanks guys. ;D

I agree 100 %. I could us some good pointers!
This has been discussed before. And the formal anwser is no.
If you want to learn mentalism there are a lot of places that give it, you just have to move your behind a little bit.

I would like to put an idea on the table.
Lets talk about Different characters and how we feel about that and how has that helped us.


thank you for your input on the matter
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Magic : Is it Art? Is it Science? Both? (man, the explanations of why would be fun for this one)

How has magic changed the world for the better? for the worse? Has it changed the world?

How can we better entertain our audiences?

How motivated are you? Do your moves and words correlate? What can illogical presenations lead to?
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Nov 29, 2008
I think I good Cerca Trova idea would be to discuss the barrier between magic as an art, as most view it today (theory11 ARTISTS), or as a science, like people such as Darwin Ortiz have pondered in Designing Miracles or Fitzkee in The Trick Brain. This question has started much debate, and I think it would be interested to see people's thoughts on whether tricks are created or engineered.
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
February 2010, "Since we haven't had a Cerca Trova in a while let's take valentines this month to have a warm-up for things to come. What do you love about magic? Why? What do you think spectators love about magic? Why?"

Just an idea...since it's been a while. The things that come out in the thread (repeatedly) can be used for March's Cerca Trova, and etc...
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
What are you doing with your magic? What should people do? Why should they do it?

Presentations, how different can they be? How bizzare should they be?
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Let's be creative. Morgician had a few threads that were about creating presentations for effects that were hard to routine. Sponge balls was one of them.

Pick a trick everyone knows, or list 3 or 4 that many people know, and challenge everyone to come up with a presentation that's never been done. Something that could work in the real world without boring the spectator or being so illogical it loses the spectator either.
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
I think a one word Cerca Trova that demands at least a well thought out paragraph defining it would be a good exercise.

Maybe say something like 'In no less than 500 words define the following as it applies to magic. Whether it is your magic or magic as a whole is your choice. The topic is :

(choose one, or make up your own) maybe have a different artist make up a word each month for the rest of the year and have the premise the same. Maybe encourage responses to wait until three days after the initial post so we can get a good amount of information to soak up and talk about.

If anything, let's just get a new Cerca Trova going.

Perhaps a discussion on Professionalism, hosted by Jason England ?
Apr 5, 2009
Perhaps a discussion on Professionalism, hosted by Jason England ?

Good one! that would be awesome, even though we already kinda had one. maybe one on emotional impact. (the movie theater analogy,)

He talks about that a lot, i even heard it in a podcast that came out a while back, and in the most recent one.
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