CoinOne and CoinTwo question

Jul 19, 2008
I'm interested in purchasing both of these with that new deal Homer has on his website. However, now that I know it doesn't come with the gimmicks, I'd like to ask how many shells would I need to purchased to perform both of these successfully. Also, I'm looking for decent, cheap half dollar shells. Where can I get some for a good price, and good quality? Thanks.


Well my friend I don't know if you can use the words cheap and good price when you're looking for good quality especially when it comes to shells. I have both Coinone and Cointwo. I perform both routines. They both look better with Dollar coins. Morgan dollars look the best, and as a result you'll need a matching silver shell. Todd Lassen and Jamie Schoolcraft make primo quality shells, but they're not cheap. To the plus side, you'll have a shell that's a work of art to last a lifetime. Johnson products makes a nice silver shell, but I still say you're looking in the $100.00 range. I have shells from a few other manufacturers. The three I named are the frontrunners. Best of luck with your search.
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